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"It's all good timing, isn't it?" Luis lead you and Leon down the carpark, with Leon carrying the bodies of Marie and the two other men over his shoulders.

"I don't think you could call having a day to save the world 'good timing', but sure." you grumbled. Just when things couldn't get any worse, they did.

"Now that you've reminded me, I made sure to make adequate arrangements for the two of you, considering your... conditions, shall we say?" Luis stopped at a black van with tinted windows that looked like it had been through some tough times. Upon opening the back doors, you and Leon were met with a gust of cold air.

"Welcome to my fridge!" Luis beamed, looking awfully proud of himself.

"Luis... what the fuck?" Leon groaned.

Sure enough, against each wall of the van was a commercial-sized refrigerator with their shelves removed and their doors left ajar.

"Now then, climb in!" Luis gave the two of you a shove on the back, making you trip inside. "As for them, just tie them up and gag them... perhaps a blindfold too?" he indicated to Marie and the two men that Leon had thrown into the van as he himself was shoved in, and Luis made his way to the driver's seat.

"If it's heat activated, then we can delay the defrosting process by, well, keeping you cool." Luis explained while starting the ignition.

"That's fabulous," Leon said with a lack of enthusiasm. "But where are you taking us?"

"The rest of our crew, of course." you could see Luis grinning through the rear view mirror. Your eyes lit up, relieved that Chris and Claire and everyone else was alive.

"But we gotta go fast. Unfortunately they don't have the privilege of hanging out in el frío van."

You tumbled over again as Luis put all his force into accelerating.

"Again, where are we going? Where are we now?" Leon gingerly sat down inside one of the fridges, cracking his neck.

"Right now, we're in Melbourne."

"I thought we were in America?" you raised an eyebrow, remembering the time in freshman year when Celine's family came back from a trip to Australia.

"No, just Florida. An anonymous source gave me a tip, our buddies are in a base in Miami Beach."

"That's going to take five fucking hours! And how can you trust this anonymous source anyway?" Leon snapped. He was getting oddly aggressive.

"Oh, I know who she is, she just requested that I not reveal her identity to you."

"she??" Leon scowled. And for a split second, you could've sworn you had seen his eyes soften before looking down and keeping quiet.

"So what happened to the other dudes?" you made eye contact through the rear view mirror.

"Kidnapped just like you, also hit with the virus. They're being held captive in an old air base."

"And does anyone have any idea what Marie's intentions are?" you glanced at the peacefully unconscious Marie.

"I guess everyone has a different idea of 'Make America Great Again'," Leon sighed. "And for some, it means overthrowing the government."

You frowned.

"My own sister... and I know nothing about her. How did she do this? She's seven- no, eighteen, but God knows how long she's been planning this. What is her goal? I know for sure she has no interest in material possessions, so she's not in it for the money. Whatever it is, she thinks that it will have a high reward."

DOPPELGÄNGER | Leon Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now