Welcome to Raccoon City

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"Agent Kennedy, we are landing in five." The helicopter pilot sitting ahead of you and Leon spoke through the intercom system.

"Copy that, Blake." Leon nodded before glancing at you.

"I don't really know what else to say, but Welcome to Raccoon City!"

You were slightly disappointed by the sight your eyes were met with. There was nothing special about this town (it terms of aesthetics, anyway). It was just an industrialised patch of land in the middle of nowhere. You wouldn't be surprised if there was not a single bar of wifi there anyway, even if it had been repurposed. Destroyed buildings and cars littered the streets, and that was all there was to report on.

Chris, Rebecca, and another woman approached the helicopter once it landed. Chris called out your name with a grin.

"So you already met Rebecca Chambers," Chris waved his hand in Rebecca's direction. "But this right here is my sister, Claire."

"Nice to meet you," you politely shook Claire's hand and she nodded. In your opinion, Chris and Claire looked nothing alike.

 In your opinion, Chris and Claire looked nothing alike

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"Chris filled me in on all the details. That's a lot of crazy stuff, how have you been feeling?" Claire started.

You threw a glance at Leon.

"I'm... coping, thanks." The truth was, you didn't really know how to feel at all about everything that had happened, and what was about to go down. It was like you were still in shock... you just felt nothing.

"Well, I'm happy to welcome to you our crew. I understand this is a stressful scenario, so please don't hesitate to talk to me if you need to." Chris began walking everyone into the old RPD building.

"Now I understand that you'll be undergoing some light training

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"Now I understand that you'll be undergoing some light training... but that won't be easy considering your injuries." Chris continued, walking beside you as you raised your wrapped up left arm. "Again, I'm always happy to help-"

"Thank you, Chris. But she's fine with me." Leon said firmly.

Everytime Leon stuck up for you, even if it was over unnecessary things, it sent a soft punch through your stomach. It wasn't painful at all, more like surprise mixed with an inch of slight glee. It felt... likeable.

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