The Escape (Mini Chapter)

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Darkness. But warmth and comfort.

"Good morning, kiddo. How are we feeling today?"

Light stung your eyes. It was a rather familiar setting. The rubbery scent of a doctor's office, along with a hyperclean room. You strangely felt rather well-rested. All aches in your body had been expelled. Your eyes finally adjusted to the sudden change in light and you sighed. Back to square one, in hospital. To your side sat a man who looked to be in his early sixties with a bright smile in a white doctor's coat with a clipboard in hand.

You merely blinked at him in response, still gathering your thoughts and memories from before. Judging from his voice, he was one of the people who found you and Leon... and 'knocked you out'.

"Not much of a talker, eh?" He glanced out the window.

"...Leon... where is he?" You whispered. The hospital room was large enough for two people, but perhaps it would've been inappropriate anyway for the staff to put a minor in a room with an older male.

"Mister Kennedy had wounds we needed to give more... special care to," the doctor scooted his little stool closer to you. "But we aren't here to talk about him, no." He changed the topic and read the notes on the clipboard. "The good news is that you only had a few minor cuts and scratches along with some pretty big but manageable bruising,"

"That's all?" You raised an eyebrow, wiggling your arms free from the bedsheet tucking you tightly in.

"Correct." The doctor, who strangely had yet to tell you of his name and wasn't wearing a lanyard or name tag, stood up and attached the clipboard to the end of your bed.

"Then why did your fellas put me to sleep?" You stumbled to sit up in the bed. A sneaky and suspicious feeling was accumulating in the pit of your gut, slowly like a volcano. You didn't need a degree in medicine to be able to tell that something wasn't right.

"What do you mean, 'put you to sleep?'" He crossed his arms while standing at the foot of the bed, smile not changing. "You fainted." His facial movements were almost robotic. Like he was an animatronic, programmed to say everything perfectly without his happy-go-lucky facade cracking.

"No, your guys got me and Leon. Which was unnecessary." You stared at the man.

"Ah, okay kid," he nodded, "You've just woken up, it's been," -he checked his watch- "a few days. Your memory of that day is foggy. Now if you excuse me, I have to go check on Prince Charming." With that, he turned around and opened the door.

"Who even are you?!!" You called out, but he had already taken off down the hallway.

You sighed in defeat, glancing around the blank room. A standing calendar stood on the desk parallel to your bed. You sat up and squinted to get a better look at it, only to pull back in horror upon seeing the date.

Five days had passed. Five days.

Today was your 18th birthday. Your heart began pounding at such a thought. You'd be graduating high school, you'd have to cover your own living expenses, you'd have to choose who you'd rather have lead America: a racist annoying orange, or a guy who'd likely explode if he ever said even just one lyric in an Eminem song. You'd have to make good choices in life. If the government would even let you have a life after this. If there would be a government, anyway.

To make the whole hospital situation even more suspicious, you weren't even hooked up to anything. There were no heart rate monitors, and the IV wasn't even attached to you. On closer inspection, it just had Elmer's craft glue in it. It was almost as if the entire room was a TV set.

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