Saviour - Half Chapter

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How did it get to this? How did you having a twin sister with mental illness result in the death of the President? Perhaps you were a life-ruiner in your past life, and you were now having to pay for your wrongdoings in this current incarnation. You knelt down behind the first cluster of crates while the music slithered through your mind. Taking in deep, fast-paced breaths, you peeked around the corner to get a look at how Leon was about to handle this (more than) giant isopod on land.

"HEY." Leon barked at the oceanic insect, which looked up from it's feast of government corpses.

He held his handgun up on instinct, with the bigger gun on his back

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He held his handgun up on instinct, with the bigger gun on his back. Upon the creature turning to look at him, Leon lowered his gun and looked into its eyes.

"Fuck this." He muttered once the isopod started charging at him. He bolted out of the way, starting a chase between him and the horrific bug. The isopod's several legs were like colossal needles- stabbing the concrete ground hard enough to crack it and dislodge chunks and send dust flying.

You watched in fear as the isopod neared closer to Leon, with him running in a straight line from one side of the room to the other. The closer Leon got to the wall, the closer the mutant isopod got to biting his ass. His poor, gorgeous, ass. Terrified of that outcome, you stood up and kicked the lid off of one of the crates you were hiding behind to rummage through it for anything of use to Leon, before it was too late.

"Blankets... canned beans... beans... more beans... corn... shit!" You ran a hand through your hair with tears welled up in your eyes as you looked up at Leon. This was it. He was about to be eaten by a crustacean-bug-thing because you were too late and only managed to find measly beans!

Without looking back, Leon slid to the left once he was about two feet away from the wall, granting him a chance to get a safe distance away from the isopod. It, however, was not so lucky; seeing as it was unfortunately much bigger than Leon, it crashed right into the wall before it could turn around.

"A bit of help here?!" You heard Leon yell from the other side of the dust cloud that had risen from the crash.

"Um- one moment..." you replied while tearing the lid off of another crate. "Bingo." you pulled a TMP out as well as the ammo. You shakily clicked the ammo into place and slid it across the ground of the battleground where Leon emerged from the settling dust cloud to pick up the monstrous device.

"Cover your ears!" he barked and ran behind the isopod, which was now twitching in the heap of destruction. You jumped back behind the now-opened crates, watching in anxious anticipation. Leon aimed under the isopod's armour slithers, and pelted bullets into it's exposed back until it gathered the strength to get up again and the ammo was all used.

The isopod let out it's bug-like screech before getting back on its scurrying feet and went back to chasing Leon around the bunker. It was at this moment that something clicked in your head. You didn't have to look at this like some complex warzone, in fact, this was much like a video game. Leon was no longer your saviour. The two of you were a team. This sudden analogy had cleared your mind- you could think now.

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