The Storm

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"How's he doing, Rebecca?" Leon leaned against the wall outside Chris' hospital room as he watched her quietly exit the room, clipboard in hand.

"He'll be fine... in a few weeks." She sighed, sliding her glasses off to rub her eyes.

"Fucking hell..." Leon grumbled. "What does this mean for the mission we were preparing for?" He turned to Claire, who was standing beside him.

"With Chris conked out, we'll be taking orders temporarily from Jill Valentine." Claire sat down in a crusty ugly-green leather love seat.

"Who's Jill?" You whispered shyly, standing on the other side of Leon.

"Chris' partner. In work, I mean." Leon stood up straight. "Although... maybe Chris wouldn't be going after our little Princess if he could see properly beyond that enormous nose of his and realise that his soulmate could possibly be standing right next to him!" He snickered to himself.

First angel, now princess? Why was Leon suddenly pulling pet names out his ass?

"Although, with this major change in plans, maybe Jill will allow you to return home for your birthday?" He smiled slightly. While you were warmed by his consideration of you, you had to decline.

"I don't really want to go back home... ever." You yawned. Claire and Leon were surprised by your sudden statement.

"Oh? I would've thought you'd love to do something nice, especially for your eighteenth." Claire raised an eyebrow.

"Claire, not everyone has a home waiting for them that's worth returning to." Leon murmured seriously. "I understand your wishes," he nodded to you. "I never knew my parents, and I've never had any friends to spend time with,"

"Let's hope Chris didn't hear you say that!" Claire shook her head.

"Come on, you know what I mean." Leon tittered. "But it doesn't have to be that way, you know. We can try to do something nice for your birthday, eighteen is very important."

"There's nothing interesting at all about being eighteen," you grumbled. "The only thing that changes is that I can live alone and vote between two crummy old racist white men to lead my country. You know in Australia they can drink at eighteen? That's actually reasonable! I bet they don't have bioweapons in Australia!"

"Yeah... but they've got things like drop bears. And spiders." Claire shuddered.

"I went to Australia once to meet with the Prime Minister a few years back. The 'drop bears' are just a myth that they gaslight American tourists into believing. And wait till' you see the spiders in Brazil; Australian spiders can't even compare to those monsters!" Leon chuckled. "Maybe we can go to Australia after the mission?"


You stretched and yawned

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You stretched and yawned.

"Well, my day just went from zero to a hundred real quick!"

"Welcome to the club." Leon nodded. "Claire, we're gonna have to get back to the RPD now. We need to get her hotel room sorted,"

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