Shell Shock

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While your arm was still majorly fucked, each day it was improving significantly. By now, you could move each finger with little pain, and slightly bend your elbow (with quite a bit of pain).

"Taekwondo is the ideal martial art for you, because the work is mostly done in the legs, while the arms are used for balance." Leon explained. "You should make sure to stretch your legs well before practicing." He demonstrated some stretches before swiftly sliding down into the splits and tossing you a smug smirk.

"Show off." You raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, angel. You'll get more flexible each day," he stood back up.

"I must admit," Chris began "That I do slightly envy Leon's impressive hip action. He'd definitely never be a bore in bed." He started chuckling loudly and stopping upon seeing the dark look on Leon's face. Your heartbeat boomed in your ears upon the unholy visuals sprinting through your mind.

"Hm, I think you should leave the shit jokes to Leon," you replied, trying to sound serious; but you couldn't help but grin.

"Hey!"  Leon's jaw dropped. "I happen to think my jokes are funny. Unlike this big virgin!" He points at Chris.

"Speak for yourself, rookie." Chris laughs again.

"Alright, fellas." You intervened nervously after noticing that other guests were now staring. "There's a time and a place..." Leon's face instantly softened at your words.

While Chris wandered off to start curling some weights, you stood before a punching bag with Leon by your side after some warm ups.

"Alright, I'm gonna teach you a 360° axe kick," Leon announced.

"A what??" It certainly sounded much too complicated for you to execute, considering your training had just begun.

"Like this,"

You stood back and watched as Leon faced you before turning swiftly around, jumping in the air and striking the punching bag with enough force for it to swing back a good distance.

"I get that it looks hard," he pulled you in front of the target. "But I'll explain it best as I can, step-by-step, okay?"

You nodded quietly.

"Face away from the bag, and spread your legs." On the other side of the room, Chris choked on his saliva and did a double take with his jaw dropped.

'No.' You mouthed at Chris while Leon wasn't looking.

"Alright, and bend your knees slightly, dominant leg behind you." He circled you, inspecting and assessing every bend in your body. "Now twist the opposite direction from your dominant leg, lifting your other- keep your fists near your chest, yep fold that leg a little."

You lost your balance a little and laced your other foot on the ground again.

"Alright, try it again," Leon commanded.

Keeping your fists up, you lifted your left leg and twisted to your left.

"Hm." Leon grunted. "May I?" He raised his hands near your waist, asking to touch you.

"Oh- uh, go ahead."

You felt Leon's veiny hands on each side of your waist, holding you tightly.

"Alright, I want you to turn like this." You felt his voice right behind your ear as he turned your waist around, guiding you. "Alright, good girl."

Good grief! Being praised by Leon with his hands on your waist while you could also feel his breath ticking your neck? Talk about erotic.

"Now you're gonna spin 180°" he turned you to face the target. "And with your left leg still up, i want you to practise jumping on your right a few times."

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