A Night Beside Leon

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"I'm really sorry... you didn't have to do this." You stood by Leon's door while you watched him rearrange the pillows in a line down the middle of the bed.

"Seriously, don't worry about it. It's better than having you sleep out in the hall where any stranger could take advantage of you." Leon looked back up at you. "D'you snore?"

"Um... Bruce always said I did..." you looked down, feeling a slight burn on your cheeks by admitting this to Leon.

"Huh, I change my mind then!" He laughed. "...that was a shitty joke, I'm sorry." He walked over to you after seeing your negatively surprised look.

"Oh," you nodded, instantly relieved. It was definitely time for you to stop taking his jokes seriously, but it was a little hard when you were about to head into what could possibly be a bio-war.

"Alright then." Leon walked to one side of his bed. "I'm really tired, so is it okay with you if I turn off the TV?" He pointed at a K-Drama with English subtitles. You raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, that's fine... but I never took you for a K-Drama type of guy." You walked further into the room, feeling slightly more comfortable.

"Ahah," Leon clicked the TV off. "No, it was just something Claire recommended."

"Was it any good?" You and Leon began to climb into the bed.

"I mean, it wasn't terrible, but I wouldn't watch it for fun. There's too many plot twists and flip-flopping for my taste, and the female lead is written to be helpless and a damsel-in-distress. Not saying that's a bad thing, but I'd find it much more interesting if she was allowed to have a bit more freedom." He yawned as he turned off the lamp on his nightstand.

"What do you normally watch, then?" You laid next to him, facing opposite sides, the pillow barrier separating the two of you.

"I guess I'm into more older movies. Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill, Elvis, and sometimes Leonardo DiCaprio." He murmured back.

There was a moment of dead silence. Despite the barrier, you could still feel the warmth radiating off of Leon. It was... comforting. You should have been skeptic of him. You shouldn't have been this trusting of him. Especially after the trauma Bruce left you with. But why? Why was it so easy to forget everything that happened in the past when you were with Leon? No matter how much you wanted it, if you did, there surely would be no way that a spark between the two of you would ever be acceptable in the eyes of others. He was so much older than you, and you wouldn't be finishing high school for another few months... and yet here you were, in his bed. Even if it was nothing sexual, if anyone found out about this, even Celine, nobody would possibly understand or accept this, even if and when you were eighteen.

"Hey, angel?" Leon hummed after a few minutes.

"Yeah?" Your voice cracked slightly out of exhaustion.

"Is it cool... if we don't tell anyone about this? I mean- it's just that taken out of context it would look like I took advantage of you, and that wouldn't end well for either of us."

"Nah, yeah; I get it." You almost whispered.

"Alright, then, sweet dreams." With those words, you felt like one of those wooden fish instruments that you run a drumstick along their back and it makes a noise, because it was tender words like these that sent the satisfactory shiver down your spine.

" With those words, you felt like one of those wooden fish instruments that you run a drumstick along their back and it makes a noise, because it was tender words like these that sent the satisfactory shiver down your spine

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