♧{5: The Sun}♧

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I had the most cool idea I have had yet so. Yippee. And I made this cape so would you wear it if it was in sky?

Also! Here is the scale of the yandere percentage and what they mean!


They care atleast.


They start to want to see you more often.


They absolutely love every moment yall spend together! And they will let you do they're hair!


Start to become protective.


Will try they're best to make sure you stay near them.


They will put up a argument if someone had to take you somewhere else without them.


Will kill (Dempending on how close you are with the person that want to kill)


Become even more protective.



You are entering a dangerous zone. Run.

Ok that all...for now.


♤{Y/n's POV}♤


I felt cold...

I opened my eyes to be met with the familiar void. I sat up and glanced side to side. One side just being white and the other being empty black and me in the center were they fade together.

I then stood and tried to look for signs of anything different. Kept turning in circles and even tried flying up a bit seeing if I could spot anything.

Didn't really make a difference.

I then turned around again and I was suddenly in a market. Many stands where lined on the side as the path in the middle was empty.

Some stands had food, some had toys, some even had instruments. I was currently standing on a bridge that was over a small stream.

I walked towards all the stands and looked at the food closely.

It all looked so fresh!...But what made it odd was that no one was here...

I walked further down the path and then stopped infront of one of the stands.

It had many kinds of origami. Cubes, fish, cats, birds, and some swans. The ones that caught my eyes the most were the ones were the yellow boats.

They reminded me if message boats back from home. I reached out to boat but I couldn't grab it because it was on a heigh shelf. A voice then spoke behind me.

☆~𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩~☆ (YANDERE Demon slayer x Sky:Cotl)Where stories live. Discover now