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Hehehe. So how have y'all been dealing with that cliffhanger?

Anywho I just wanna announce that all my books (and this one) will start to be updated more often since school is almost over for me.

( Da stars are back Yippee :D )

∆{3rd person's POV}∆

All the spirits each sat around the boat looking around the fog with nervousness and fear.

For the past couple hours they have been going straight through the fog and it seemed to have gone on for miles.

The further they got the thicker the fog became.

Making it almost impossible to see if it was not for the lanterns they put up around the boat.

The little prince sat at the front. He was the only one that didn't really seem to be infected by the tense air.

Both mentally and physically.

He just hung his legs off the side of the boat as he stared off into the fog with curiosity.

It's something he really couldn't help but feel whenever he goes somewhere new.

He just can't help but be curious.

Aviary on the other hand, was scared and nervous...But she seemed to be keeping on a brave face as she held the staff she was given.

The Runaway spirit.

He just...was quiet.

Whenever any of the other spirits would come up to check if he was alright he would just shush them and go back to staring out into the fog.

Like he was listening for something.

All the children from the Season of Prophecy were either messing around with each other or attempting to stick their heads underwater to see if there were any light creatures or fish.

But all went silent...

When something touched the boat.


It was now daytime in the village Tanjiro had just killed those demons.

His crow has been yelling at him to head over to the next place where another demon was.

But he wasn't at the time.

Since Nezuko has refused to get back in the box due to Y/n's state.

He took Nezuko over to a spot that he predicted would be covered in shade when the sun rises.

Which was in an alleyway.

Nezuko leaned against the wall as she had an unconscious and still gray Y/n laying on her lap.

Tanjiro was pacing around thinking about what to do.

His first plane was to take Y/n to a doctor but since Y/n is not human he decided not too.

☆~𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩~☆ (YANDERE Demon slayer x Sky:Cotl)Where stories live. Discover now