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Me and couple months ago:


I can finally leave!
Mom I'm comes home-




I'm going home fr fr.


∆{3rd person's POV}∆

Teth was currently in Aviary village pacing back and forth in the season of nesting guides workshop.

Ever since the elders have gotten the news that Y/n was missing and that a couple spirits has sailed off to look for them, Teth had been very anxious.

Now normally she was known for barley showing any fear or worry. But right now.

That was seriously showing..

The season of nesting guides walked up to Teth and patted her arm, she would have patted her shoulder but...

Teth was way too tall.

It was a miracle she even got into the workshop.

"Teth you are worrying way too much my friend. Come now let's get you settled."

The season of season guide walked over to a clear platform and activated a shared space, making a table with some tea and treats on it appear and for beanbags to be the seats.

"Sit with me Teth."

The guide spoke as she took a seat on one end of the table.

Teth let out a sigh and took a seat as well as she held her head in her hands.

"I've told them over and over to be careful when going to that place and now this!? I have been giving them the best guidance I could about this kingdom and yet they still run off like a chicken without it's head!"

Teth yelled after she slammed her fist on the table. Teth then went quiet when she realized her outburst and she looked at the nesting guide who only stared at her with a neutral expression.

"I'm sorry...It's just...This has never happened before...I worry about the kid."

The nesting guide had a comforting smile on her face as she spoke.

"Teth, Y/n is a strong kid. They have gone through Eden countless times and came back like nothing had happened at all. I know you still see them as the moth you first saw them as. But they are growing up Teth. And with each passing year, more areas of the kingdom are rediscovered."

The nesting guide said before taking a sip of tea.

"Now drink. I don't think your husband would like seeing you think panicked when he is as well."

☆~𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩~☆ (YANDERE Demon slayer x Sky:Cotl)Where stories live. Discover now