04 | Clues

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After a week of looking for new information on the whereabouts of Vae there was nothing, couldn't find a single clue, it was like she vanished out of thin air, I couldn't uncover a trace of her even where she vanished, it's like every student is missing for a good reason and I couldn't find that reason and I was on my last nerve.

It was the end of the day, I was at my desk just marking papers when I saw her friend coming to my classroom "What can I do for you, Miss Kennedy?" I said without taking my eyes off my papers.

"Sir I went round to Vae's house to see how her parents are, they're distraught and they think you had something to do with it," she said as my eyes and ears were alerted by her sentence I looked at her almost immediately "Me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Her father said that she mentioned something to him the night before her disappearance about saying she felt a bit of discomfort that you were there the same night she was attacked, she just mentioned that," she continued as I took a deep sigh and straightened against my chair.

"I talked with Vae before she left school the night of her disappearance she knows the truth about me and I warned her she will be in danger, I didn't think of walking her home that night, I should've walked her home," I was mad at myself, I placed my hands on my head and exhaled.

"It's not your fault Mr Perez, all we need to do is find out where that book is and we may find out where Vae is, but I have one question," she said as I looked at her "Go on,".

"Who gave Vae the book?" she spoke.

I had goosebumps covering my body after she asked that question "I didn't think of that clue, whoever gave Vae that book will be a great clue, right I'm not chancing your disappearance tonight, so I'm walking you home," I said as I grabbed my jacket and my belongings as she nodded we started to leave the school.

"Why is it always so creepy at night?" She asked, I exhaled "Nova High is one creepy school, it always has been and always will be," I held my car keys in my hand as I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned my head to see nothing "Most likely losing my sanity in this place too," I said with a harsh tone, she laughed. We walked down the long corridor, I looked up to see a figure in front of the exit doors, I pulled her behind me "You shouldn't be on school grounds, leave," I spoke up as the figure just stayed there.

I could feel Kennedy tighten her hands on me, as the figure through an axe our way, I pushed her to the floor and ducked down as the figure started to run after us "Go!" I shouted as she ran ahead, I ran after her, grabbed her arm and ran upstairs to the second floor of the school "Keep going," I spoke as I was getting out of breath as she talked about Vae.

"Maybe this is who attacked Vae?!" She said as we were running, I thought I had a feeling, the true feeling. I saw the other exit on the other side below us "Do you trust me?" I asked her as I could hear the footsteps getting closer.

"Uh- yes. Why?!" She said in a feared voice.

"I'm going to lift you down from those handrails and jump to the first floor, you will be fine and I want you to run home and don't stop do you hear me?" I said as she nodded fast.

"I heard you," she kept nodding, I lifted her over the railings as she grabbed my wrists, her feet were dangling as I leaned over the railing to help her get closer to the ground floor "Sir hurry he's coming," she said stressing out.

She eventually let go of my hand wrists as she fell to the ground floor she groaned as she looked up at me, I looked down at her "Run Ellie," I yelled as she nodded, and she ran out of the building, I watched her kept running as I see the figure coming towards me "Fuck," I yelled as the figure came towards me with the axe, I pulled out my pistol and aimed it at the figure.

"Don't make me pull it," I said with a harsh tone, my heart was beating out of my chest, and the figure threw the axe to the side of my head I looked at the axe but didn't flinch but when I turned back the figure was gone, I took deep breaths as I see a piece of paper on the axe as I pulled it off as I read it "She's alive,".

I put the paper in my pocket and looked out of the window hoping Ellie got home safe as I thought of the note, deep down I was hoping she was alive, but realistically I didn't think she was.

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