empty boardwalk

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the shore was lifeless and empty,

no one's at the boardwalk but me,

the floor creaks under my steps,

while I pondered of all mishaps;

misery's an understatement,

life's torture, I cannot pretend,

when everything comes and goes,

I'm still left nothing to know.

hundreds of ships bravely sailed,

some survived, and some sadly failed,

so scared to go across the sea,

if to be chosen isn't guaranteed;

and I stayed, but for how much long?

wasteland's not where I belong,

it's a paradise I searched since then,

but the waters seemed forbidden.

the waves came, touching my feet,

as this rain from the eyes starts to leak,

with head held high, sighted afar,

'twas a bright, so distant star;

when will I depart this place?

I cannot find my needed solace,

will these dreams of mine,

remain broken in time?

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