I only seek peace.

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torn calendar sheets piled on the floor,

I'm losing all my years waiting at the door,

for my happiness to finally come,

at this moment, I still can't have some,

and I wasted time for dreams never mine,

I haven't flew freely like a bird in life,

all that's left is to pretend to be fine,

and fear they'll be planes, I'll be just a kite.

oh, I despise the lump on my throat,

that holding back feeling I always loathe,

when I try to speak with courage, I choke,

ending with crushed heart he smote,

it takes me a river of tears to let them see,

my hope, my beg to be finally free,

I cannot withstand living in their hypocrisy,

I only see clowns accusing me of living awry.

what's reading all the school books for,

if they deny all what I know to cure,

all the ignorance they have, for sure,

but I am only a child, they want no more,

I don't seek power, but only peace,

something I can't have when I displeased,

the people who cared for me the least.

the people who threaten me and seized.

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