the heft in me

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I clench all my fists, ready to throw,

but I end up holding back my tears,

in this place that people call home—

was it ever a good one for me?

on each moment I decide to be alive,

it chokes my neck when I remember them,

and for them, my heart had already died,

on every word I say, I am condemned.

I say, misery in life must be inevitable,

but its form in my kin's figure is the worst,

my years filled with grudge sounds horrible,

growing accustomed alone in this curse,

how they take all the peace that's left,

how they replace my joy with fury,

how accumulated anger being a heft,

how each day, it is what I always carry.

she tolerates sister's self-centered acts,

and he tolerates brother's unpleasing insults,

I take my side with no one, a honest fact,

one thing I learned as a growing adult,

but with whom I grew, am I really growing?

I lived my years in most terrible ways,

lost all blood but still make wounds in my skin,

I wish to leave this crumbling place.

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