he came, he left.

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I made me a home, for someone I know,

to give him the warmth he need in the cold,

and he took my space, filling the void,

being the life, bringing forth my joy,

and the bed's where the eyes meet,

and every night, his hands take the lead,

showing how I could forever be his,

but tonight, he become one I missed.

he left my side like an abandoned room,

so lifeless, so full of mess, so used to you,

am I just a kind of motel you'd check in,

and run away like a father to his children?

I was a pendant on the chain you wore,

but, now, not your favorite anymore,

or was I just someone's favorite crime,

how he killed the one I once was inside?

I was a mansion, but left in great ruins,

he carved my heart, shoved, now broken,

and the flowers we grew have withered,

as I lose the one, my kind of savior,

and I was a star, something he foretold,

now a dying one, waiting to explode,

head on the knees, losing my beliefs,

that maybe he'd come to save me here.

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