the gremlin

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the butterflies pushed me off the precipice,

too late to figure out something amiss,

crashed to the ground, skin’s bruised,

then, saw some eyes of quite amused,

my blood splattered over the cold grass,

summoned the monsters of the night,

I sat up to run, leaving dreams of us,

but never left the space inside the mind.

into the woods I paced to depart,

heavy weight I carried in the heart,

so bewildered, so unnerved,

of this life’s hard, sudden swerves,

but a rabbit hole’s ahead of me,

something I had failed to foresee,

falling down, back to the ground,

to once-great, now ruined town.

when I turned, I saw a cold visage,

in plain sight, a sort of message,

this love’s unrequited, so long been dead,

and so, grant his peace, instead,

then, I froze, finally figured out,

what this tale was all about,

I was the gremlin in his life,

and he was just someone’s knight.

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