never an ace, always a mediocre one.

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tired I am, but shall not slow down my pace,

life's not a race, but rather a deadly maze,

so I need to find a way out here,

or else, I will be trapped alive, I fear,

and I run, I run, I run mindlessly, and faster,

then forget everthing I was chasing after,

starts to lose all the sand in my hourglass,

oh, I wished today I am who I once was.

some wanted to be me for I was great,

I'm not even as good as other jacks of all trades,

never an ace, but always a mediocre one,

and they want something in me when I have none,

I can please all, but can't find joy in me,

not even in the mirror, I despise what I see,

and here my skies be covered in dark, heavy clouds,

each night, when all voices I hear get so loud.

how can a flight so high be forbidden,

a sin that forced my wings be broken,

now I have to run barefooted, and alone,

with bleeding back, weakened bones,

I only want stars to reach by my hands,

catch up with some promising friends,

if only I could make my best be enough,

if only I could simply be enough.

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