i hate the smoke of your cigarettes

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smoke of the cigarettes reminds me of things you scarred,

in the past, on the years you broke dear mother’s heart,

I’m always unarmored in the life you made into a war,

so how could a seed sprout from the soil you marred?

it's another day of your narratives of empty pockets, 

but behind your penniless face were sinful secrets,

you paid for the wake of one of your abandoned kids,

yet how cannot still give even a cent for my needs?

your lies sounded funny, rather seems absurd,

well, you're just any man I know who can't keep his word,

yet wanted so much praise for doing basic obligations,

look how your narcissism caused a feeling of exhaustion.

And life’s a dangerous road we together take,

But you vie for control on the wheels each day,

voices are denied, so children can’t dare to say,

that you have been leading us in the most stupid way.

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