he is looking at me

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my eyes caught one in the corner,

with his hand grip on the sharp scythe,

and each step he takes is getting bolder,

with his hope of losing my precious life,

but does he know I've waited for him?

darling, his coming is all I ever desired,

when all the lights are switched to dim,

when I turn so hopeless and tired.

come and rest my body forever,

and I will trade my soul for peace,

it is what the world cannot offer,

yet my pain becomes their feast,

oh, if ache is all we live for,

cut my breath for the last time,

walk me through the corridor,

here is my wish, so grant mine.

oh, halt my days of breathing alive,

can you bring me to my final bed?

if we all live here to suffer and die,

then cut now my fate's rusting thread,

or take me to the river of Styx,

shall I meet Charon, I beg to come,

if life's a thing heavens can't fix,

I guess, existence is to succumb.

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