Chapter fourteen

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True to their chaotic pattern, Sophie and Jayden surprised all of us by finally making their relationship official

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True to their chaotic pattern, Sophie and Jayden surprised all of us by finally making their relationship official.

Jayden won't give me all the details since it pertains to parts of Sophie's life she's hesitant about sharing, but from what I gathered, he messed up and groveled. And somehow, he got Sophie to abandon her commitment-free lifestyle.

Seeing how he's been performing at practice since then, it was about damn time.

Today, I'm especially thankful for it. Jayden convinced Sophie to tag along to sectionals in Cleveland, and Sophie invited Jen.

Ever since introducing her to my mothers and sisters, I've been unsure what parameters we're working under. Jen isn't my girlfriend, but I've been treating her as such for a while, and it's confusing my poor heart. I told her I could take it slow, and I meant it - it's just turning out to be harder than anticipated.

I would never have gotten my shit together to invite her along, but Sophie swooped in and did it for me. As Jen climbs into the backseat of Jayden's truck beside me, I try to calm my erratic heartbeat. She's in a soft pink sweatshirt and skin-tight jeans, her hair compiled atop her head in a messy bun. She pushes her glasses up her nose as she glances at me, a shy smile spreading over her face.

"Hi," I say, sweeping a finger over her cheekbone. Maybe I shouldn't be touching her, but I can't help myself.

A blush follows my touch, heating her face. She ducks her head. "Hi, David."

Fuck, I love it when she says my name.

Jayden and Sophie are arguing about the music as we begin the three-hour drive. Saltz and Mitch are in another car; the rest of the U-M team is on a bus.

"How are you?" I ask Jen, keeping my voice low, not to interrupt the newly monogamous couple as they discuss the merits of Taylor Swift.

Jen tugs her sweater over her hands, shrugging. "I'm good. You?"

There's something demure about her that I can't quite understand. As if she's crawled back into some shell, closing off.

"Yeah. Just busy." I sound like a broken record, repeating myself. My moms kept plying me with food during their visit, complaining that I didn't seem to rest. Having a coach and a medical professional as parents can be a blessing and a curse.

They know what's best for the athlete and for the law student, and those things don't seem to coincide much. It makes me wonder if they understand that, at the moment, I have to be both.

There's a crease between her brows when Jen glances up at me. "I know you're used to people running at full speed, but it's okay to slow down."

I blink, stunned. One dinner with my family, and Jen has us down. Being raised by successful and nurturing mothers has spurred my siblings and me to pursue everything we want in life. Delilah hasn't taken a day off in a decade, killing herself to become a doctor, and Diana's life has revolved around basketball since leaving high school. Each of them is living a dream of mine.

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