Chapter thirty-nine

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The day after my return is New Year's

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The day after my return is New Year's.

Neither David nor I had expected to be in Ann Arbor for the last day of the year, so we don't have any plans. But the second Sophie learns I'm back in town and Jayden realizes David didn't leave; they instruct us to come to their house.

Walking up the porch steps of Jayden and Sophie's Eastlake-style house hand in hand with David, I'm dizzy with happiness.

It's been less than twenty-four hours since we were reunited, and David's hand has been on me for every minute of that time. From holding me while we slept to his fingers grazing my back as I made coffee to cuddling on the couch.

It's like he's afraid I'll disappear again. Personally, I have no complaints. I've missed him, and the constant reminder that he's here makes my heart rate and hormones skyrocket.

Outside the door, as snow slowly falls to the ground, David lowers his head, kissing me gently. Or, he tries to, but the same as all our kisses today, our bodies take over, and as he slants his mouth over mine, I fists his shirt, considering climbing him like a tree on my best friend's doorstep.

We don't get that far, though. Someone must have seen our headlights as we parked in the driveway because the door is swung open, and before we can disentangle ourselves, I'm pulled from David's arms.

"Jen!" Sophie shrieks, crushing my body to hers.

I don't even have time to be embarrassed about being caught mid makeout session before I burst into tears in Sophie's arms, clinging to her.

"Um." Jayden stands behind Sophie, next in line to greet us, and his eyes snatch on my face, widening. "Trouble, Jen is leaking."

Sophie holds me out from her body as I laugh through the sobs. "Sorry," I choke out. "I've just really missed you."

I hadn't realized just how much the idea of living separately from Sophie again had hurt me until this moment. We've only ever been apart for a year - my freshman year of college - in which time Sophie got sick, so I ended up spending most of my free time flying back and forth between Ann Arbor and Oklahoma City anyway.

"I've missed you, too, boo," Sophie says, cradling my face in her hands as she grins with watery eyes. "Thank you for coming back."

I nod, wiping my face with the back of my hand. My best friend looks over my shoulder as David's hands find my waist again, supporting me through my impromptu breakdown. "Thanks for giving her a reason to come back, Davis."

"Any time, Brooks," David says, placing a kiss on my head.

Sophie smiles excitedly again as the heavy mood lifts, and I get my rouge tear ducts under control. "We're gonna have such a great year; I can feel it!"

"Absolutely," Jayden says as he takes Sophie's place, giving me a quick hug. "Good to see you again, Jen."

"You too, Jayden."

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