Chapter forty

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When the alarm rings, I twist sideways to grab my phone off the bedside table and turn it off

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When the alarm rings, I twist sideways to grab my phone off the bedside table and turn it off. As I roll back, Jen tightens her hold on me, still sleeping.

Her face I pressed into my chest, and she makes a sleepy noise, her leg crawling over my hip, until she's clinging to me like a koala.

I could stare at her all day. Her mouth is popped open, loose tendrils of hair blowing across her face with each quiet snore. Her nose scrunches, and I get the unbearable urge to kiss her.

A tiny, evil part of me wants to make enough sounds getting up that I'll wake her and then convince her to partake in a particularly enjoyable activity. My morning wood is on board with that idea.

But even if it wouldn't make me late for practice, I don't think Jen would forgive me for robbing her of her last few hours of sleep. She manages to snore her way right through my morning alarms each day, taking three of her own alarms before she finally wakes up properly.

So, without jostling her too much, I sneak out of bed, dragging on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. I maneuver around the bedroom in the dark. Even though we've only lived here for a week, I already know these floors by heart. I would never subject her to the harsh awakening of turning on the lights.

It meant I got my fair share of bruises those first few days.

Once I've got all my stuff, I tiptoe to the bed, leaning down to steal one kiss. Jen sighs happily, chasing my lips as I pull back before making a whiny noise and burrowing herself between the way too many pillows she insists on.

God, I love this woman.

Once in the kitchen, I turn on the lights and quickly prepare breakfast. Jen and I began the house hunt right after New Year's and put down an offer on the perfect one less than a month later. Luckily, the couple who owned it only used this house as a second residence and could be out fairly quickly.

So, for a week now, I've gotten to wake up to the love of my life. It's not that we didn't usually spend the night together, but it's different living together. There's ease and comfort in existing side-by-side in this perfect house. Jen went crazy for the fireplace and balcony attached to the bedroom, and I could imagine building a tree house for our kids in the backyard, so we were sold.

I take my breakfast to go, heading out to my car. My morning commute has gotten ten minutes longer, which means I'm cutting it a bit close. Once I get to the Canham Natatorium, I'm one of the last swimmers in the locker room.

I greet my teammates, floating through the room filled with men in various stages of undress on cloud fucking nine until I catch sight of the heavy bags under Jayden's eyes.

My amazing mood comes crashing down as I slide up next to him. There's a haunted look on his face, and I feel like shit for forgetting what today is, if only for a few minutes.

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