Chapter twenty-one

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"What do you think about this one? Do you think he'll like it?" Sophie asks, holding up a stack of dark blue hand towels

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"What do you think about this one? Do you think he'll like it?" Sophie asks, holding up a stack of dark blue hand towels.

I nod, even though I have no idea what kind of towels a thirteen-year-old boy prefers.

"Or maybe these?" Sophie picks up a couple of deep red towels in the other hand. "Which is best?"

I don't even get the chance to answer before she nods resolutely. "You're right. We'll get both."

She throws both into the cart, continuing down the aisle with me in tow. I can't quite contain my smile as I follow her through the Bed Bath and Beyond. Who'd have thought I'd help Sophie shop for her soon-to-be foster kid one day?

It's been a whirlwind few months. Sophie made it through the surgery and then had a couple of weeks of rest before radiation picked up. She's handling it remarkably well, but she can't hide the toll it's taking on her.

In the meantime, she decided to take the big plunge and asked Jayden to move in with her. It's like facing the fear of the cancer returning face-on and coming out on the other side has unlocked something inside her, and she's grabbing life by the horns.

Which is why she and Jayden applied for custody of Jayden's brother, Ollie, a few weeks ago. They're still waiting for an answer, but I'm sure they'll get it. David and I have pitched in with our perspective expertise from each of our career paths. Once they get the foster placement, they'll begin the adoption process.

Every time I realize that Sophie is this close to having her lifelong dream of being a mother, my eyes smart. I want this so badly for her.

"Okay, I think that's everything," Sophie says after swiping an entire row of scented candles into the cart. She surveys the haul that could probably decorate ten bathrooms with her hands on her hips, looking pleased.

Jayden and the boys did all the heavy lifting when he and Sophie moved into their two-story Eastlake-style home last weekend. Jayden is wary of letting Sophie help with much of anything since she's experiencing moments of extreme fatigue due to the treatment, but when it came to decorating Ollie's room and in-suite, Sophie insisted.

This is the fourth store we've been in today. We already got all the furniture, the paint and wall art. This is our last stop before we head back to the house and begin the makeover. The furniture will be delivered tomorrow, so we have a lot of work ahead of us.

"Looks good, Soph," I say, smiling.

We go through checkout and then I insist on loading the stuff into the car. I might not be as overprotective as Jayden, but I still take some precautions. Which is why I'm driving, too.

We chatter easily during the drive. Once we get back, Sophie takes a quick power nap while I prepare lunch.

I love milling around their gorgeous house, sneaking a few Disney mugs into their cupboards as a housewarming presence. It's also weirdly bittersweet being here. I love that Sophie is getting her dream life, even if it's far from what she imagined, but I already miss her. The apartment is too big and lonely without her. Marshmallow is stomping around, giving me the stink eye as if it were her best friend who moved out.

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