Chapter twenty-six

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"On a scale from one to ten, how many of these buildings have you had sex in?"

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"On a scale from one to ten, how many of these buildings have you had sex in?"

Mitch's brows pucker in thought, surveying the Stanford Campus around us while he mulls over Saltz's question.


I groan internally at his cocky attitude. We're visiting Stanford for a meet, and Mitch is showing us around his alma mater.

"Man, you were an actual Olympic medalist while in college... You must have gotten laid so much," Saltz goes on, jealousy leaking into his tone.

"Hey," I say, offended. I'm an Olympic medalist, too, and still in college, might I add.

"Sorry," he drawls in my direction before looking back at Mitch. "You were an actual Olympic medalist - who didn't take one look at a woman and went celibate until she deigned to sleep with you - while in college?" my youngest teammate amends.

"That's... Kinda true," I admit.

Jayden grins, clapping me on the shoulder as we continue the tour. We arrived this morning, and the day passed in a blur of introductions and practice. The meet is tomorrow, where we'll swim against seven other medley teams.

Lewis used to coach here - it's where she and Mitch met and began working together - so as soon as we were back from the break, she decided to sign us up for a friendly competition to ensure we hadn't gone rusty over the summer.

I think she and Matthews are afraid we'll get too complacent after our win at Nationals and Sectionals. Mitch is a superstar who's practically undefeated in butterfly, but the rest of us are mere mortals, and we could just as quickly lose our newfound winning streak as we got it. Especially Saltz can't let this go to his head. He's young and hasn't yet felt the harsh sting of true defeat. We can't allow this to make him cocky if we have any hope of competing at the World Championship in a few years.

"Should we meet up with the girls soon?" I ask. It feels like we've been walking this campus for hours. Mitch is very invested in this place for someone who only took sporadic classes and never finished a degree - he'd gone pro at the age of seventeen.

Sophie and Jen decided to fly out with us, stating that they'd make a girl's trip of it - and they invited Holly along.

Seeing her at graduation seemed to be the catalyst that kicked Mitch into action. Shortly after, he finally asked her out on a date, and they've been seeing each other for almost three months now.

Holly joins many of our little group get-togethers, and she's a welcome addition - primarily because of how happy it makes Jen.

"In a minute," Mitch calls from up front.

"I didn't sign up for a couples trip," Saltz mutters, looking pointedly at his phone. He'd been less than enthused when he realized that instead of us four having a chance to bond, he'd be the seventh wheel in this weird couples triangle we're becoming.

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