Chapter twenty-four

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The words have barely left my mouth before David is over me

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The words have barely left my mouth before David is over me.

He reaches for my hips, pulling me forward until I'm pressed up against him, and his mouth swallows the gasp escaping me. He's everywhere.

So warm and strong, his fingers are surprisingly gentle as he teases the tips up my spine, toying with the clasp of my bra. He pulls back from the demanding way he was owning my mouth to lift a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Yes," I breathe, leaning up on my toes to find his lips again. I've always liked kissing, but I never knew it could be like this. Like a wildfire, spreading to the farthest corners of my being, burning away every shred of insecurity I possess.

David drags his full lips over mine slowly, licking into my mouth with sinful precession, as he snaps the bra open. The flimsy fabric falls to the ground, and David steps back, ignoring my tiny whimper of protest.

Okay, maybe the kiss didn't manage to kill all my vulnerability. I know David has seen me naked before; there should be no reason for me to want to cover myself under his intense perusal.

It's just... I wasn't gifted much in the curves department, and it's something I've tried to come to terms with since I was a teenager and realized puberty had given all she was planning to. I tried putting on weight once, thinking it might help, but it's turned out to be a lifelong struggle just for me to keep myself out of the underweight area.

I see the way Sophie wears clothes like they were sown just for her, how the fabric will cling to her cleavage in a way that's enticing instead of vulgar. With the right bra and dress, I can make it look like I'm working with more than I actually am, but standing here, naked from the waist up, there's no way to cheat the eye anymore.

David is staring at my breasts, and I can't help but wonder if he wished there were more of them.

"Take off your panties," he barks suddenly, and I jump, complying before I can even process how that demanding tone made the fabric even more damp than it already was.

His eyes travel south, and he groans as my pussy is revealed.

"Fuck, darling." He closes his eyes, taking a fortifying breath. "You're so perfect; I'm losing my mind over here."

As those eyes open again, darkening by the second, I feel the incessant self-conscious thoughts melt away. Hunger lingers in every shade of brown, drinking me in, and I know he wouldn't fake that.

Not with me.

I walk backward, stepping inside the giant shower. "Then come here."

David's smile is all predator, and he stalks towards me, discarding his boxers as he goes. His cock hangs heavy between his legs, and I have to remind myself that I've seen him naked before. I shouldn't be this surprised by its size, but until now, coming into any kind of physical contact with that has been purely hypothetical.

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