If This is the End

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Hailey's POV

I was sitting on the beach in the early morning of the full moon. I watch the ocean and the sunset for the last time on the Hawiian beach


I turned around and saw Harry running down the beach towards me.

"Harry...please don't make this any harder then it has to be." I beg silent tears running down my cheeks.

"Hailey please don't do this...we can figure somthing else out just please...don't leave me." Harry beggs his eyes red from crying.

"Harry...I have to do this...besides why would you care? Aren't I just a shag to you?" I ask hatred in my eyes.

"At first yes...but now...you mean so much more to me. You're my hopes and dreams...Hailey I don't know how to say this...but I think I..."

"Don't you dare say you love me!" I shout. Shock crosses Harry's face.

"Hailey I do Lo..."

"Don't Harry, It's the mermaid charm talking. My Powers are stronger now that today's the full moon...my inner siren is drawing you Harry...and I don't want you to love me because you feel that you have to...because a spell has been cast over you. When we first met Harry you couldn't stand me! What's changed?!" I shout.

"Hailey...I couldn't stand you because your the first girl who didn't worship the ground I walk on...or try and get into my pants. You didn't care who the hell I was, fuck you didn't even know who I was. Your annoying as Hell and you can be such a pain in my ass but...because of that...i'm attracted to you Hails." He says giving me a sad smile.

"Harry I..."

"No it's find...I understand...Can't love a full of himself popstar."

"No Harry its not..."

"Your to good for me...is that it?!"

"Harry let me..."

"Can't handle it can you?"

"Harry Fucking Styles will you let me Finish!!" I shout.

"Sorry..." He mumbles.

"Harry...today's the full moon, where I'm going to exchange my life for my familes. I don't want to hurt you Harry...If you love me...let me go..." I say quietly.

"Please Hailey...don't do this...I love you more then anything...how can...can I live with out you? Your sarcasm...your annoyingly witty ways...your beautiful lips, face...just you in general..." He says walking towards me.

"Harry please" I cry.

"You are so perfect...so beautiful...and I'm selfish enough to want you all for myself" He whispers walking towards me pushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear and letting his fingers linger on my cheek. His fingers wander under my chin tilting my chin up so I'm looking at him.

"Harry..." I mutter my breath hitching.

"Just let me have this moment..." He whispers and connects his lips to mine. The kiss is like fire...it burns my lips and it hurts so much that I cry.

"Why are you crying?" He asks breaking the kiss.

"Because...I love you...and now I have to leave you...for good." I say. His thumb swipes my tears away.

"I love you princess" Harry whispers.

"I love you too Harry"

"Do you want me to stay out here with you?" He asks. I nod silently and we both sit back down on the sand, as we watch the rest of the sunrise. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Do you think it hurts?" I ask meekly.

"Do you think what hurts?" He asks.

"When we die?" I ask quietly. I feel Harry tense up.

"Lets not talk about that ok?" He says and leans his head on mine.


"Hailey...Its time" Luke says setting a hand on my shoulder.

"We're going with you..." Liam says.

"I'm gonna miss you boys" I say giving them all a group hug, silent tears in my eyes. Could they ever forgive me for what i'm about to do?

"ok...we'll meet you there Hails" Harry says taking a step towards me on the sandy beach, the moon was about to reach its peach.

"Ok...bye Harry" I choke out. He gives me a kiss, a kiss like fire and rain...and then it grabs me. The tenticle, mermaid murder, tail crusher...and so much more. I instantly turn into a mermaid and Harry holds me by my arms as it pulls me into the water.

"Let me go Harry" I cry.

"I can't...I love you..." He says his voice cracking.

"Let me go..." I whisper. His grip lossens and he turns away and closes his eyes as he lets me go.

I soar through the water and into the Moon pool at Mako Island. My family is there already. The water lifts us all into the air. I shoot above the others, the water sucking all of the magic out of me. My top dissappears and my tail slowly starts to fade...everything goes black...my last and final thought being of Harry and his lips.


Harry's POV

The boat couldn't get there soon enough. I watch as a pillar of light shoots up from Mako island...and a part of my heart was riped out with it.

I collapsed onto my butt on the boat and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The boys crowding me...shouting...so much shouting...

"Shes gone..." I whisper.

"Harry...we have to have faith..." Liam says hope in his eyes.

"She's gone Liam..." I say tears in my eyes. A heavy pain in my chest.

We climb to the cave...and when we get there...three mermaids are surrounding...

"Hailey!" I shout and run down to the pool.

Laying in the middle lies Hailey...with out her tail...with out anything...

"I'm sorry but she's dead" One of the mermaids says that looks a lot like her.

"No she...she can't be" I say and lean down and caress her lifeless body.

"Hailey...don't leave me...you can't...I need you" I cry into her head. I place one final kiss on her sweet lips and do what she told me...I let her go...But I truly never will...

"I'll never forget you" I whisper.

A/N IMPORTANT: Don't hate me! I am so sorry! But hey there is going to be another book! and it is called

Hannah (The Mermaid) Hemmings

It will hopefully be up later tonight and please read if you loved this one. I love you readers! 3.6 thousnad of you!

Thank you so much for your love and support, though I can't see it I know its there. I know this has been a slow journey and for those who have stuck with me thank you! I hope you liked this book...

R.I.P Hailey Brown :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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