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                                                 Hailey's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling a little bit weak, like i was missing half of me. Probably because i was. Yesterday must of been the Best/worst day of my life. Best, because Harry kinda sorta kissed me. Worst because now when i touch water, i dont turn into a mermaid anymore. Me and Harry were going into town today. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom connected to my bedroom. When i walked in i looked in the mirrior, i looked kinda pale. My blonde hair seemed less, blonde... I shook it off. I turned on the shower. I have never took a shower before. I tunred on the water, and stripped out of my Pjs. I stepped into the hot water. It felt so relaxing. I washed my hair. I steped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I changed into some shorts and a dark blue tank top. I put on some polka dotted tennis shoes and walked out of my room. I walked in the living room to see Harry asleep on the couch. I looked at the time and saw it was 7Am. I guess im up kinda early. I walked over to the sink faucet and put my hand over it to get water, when i remembered. I dont have powers anymore. It almost made me cry but i quickly recovered. I got a glass, without the straw. I drank some water. After that i started making breakfast.

I got out the ingredients to make pancakes. I started cooking pancakes, and bacon. Then in rushed Niall.

"I smell pancakes, and bacon" he said smiling licking his lips.

"Yup, breakfast" i said smiling.

"Can i help?" asked a tried, sexy morning voice. I turned around and saw Harry standing behind me with morning hair.

"Depends, can you cook?" i asked.

"Can i cook, of course i can cook" he scoffed taking away my wisk. He started mixing the milk with the pancake mix. I rolled my eyes and started flipping the bacon. Niall got out plates and forks, and with cups.

"Do you want crispy bacon?" i asked Niall.

"Please" He begged. I laughed.

I set the bacon on a plate. I was about to take the pan to the sink, when Harry turned. We almost bumped into one another. He chuckled and moved to the side of me. I walked around him and started cleaning the pan. Once i finished cleaning it Harry finished with the pancakes. I have to admit they looked delishious.

"Ill wake the others" I said walking out of the kitchen. I walked down to Liam, and Louis room. They were both sound asleep.

"BREAKFAST!" i shouted in there room. They both slowly woke up. Then i marched down to Zayn and Niall's room. Zayn was asleep, kissing his pillow, and mumbeling 'Perrie' It was kinda funny.

"Zayn!" i yelled. He quickly woke up.

"What..." he mumbled.

"Breakfast, hurry before Niall eats it all" i joked. Zayn then slowly sat up and got ready. I walked out of the room and back into the kitchen. Harry gave Niall a couple of pancakes, and Niall was pilling surp on top of them. Niallalso grabbed some bacon and began to eat. Liam and Louis truged in and sat themselves donw and Harry gave them some pancakes. They grabbed some bacon and bean to eat. Harry also grabbed him self a plate.

"Do you want any?" Harry asked.

"No thanks" i said grabbing a peach from the fridge. I bit into it and the juice imediately filled my mouth. I licked my lips of the excess juice.

"You have some juice on your lips" Harry said. I was about to wipe it away when Harry kissed me. His lips were mintyish. I kissed back.

"Umm, were eating...." Liam said. We pulled away. Harry chuckled.

"We'll pick this up later" he whispered. I rolled my eyes playfully. I just ate my peach, as Zayn walked in. The boys all ate. Louis, and Niall went to go shower in their rooms, and Liam went to the other bathroom to shower and change.

"Is there any other showers?" Harry asked.

"Just the one in my room"

"Can i use that one?" he asked.

"Umm," i said, thinking of all the Mermaid related stuff in my room. The picture of me my mom, couisns and my aunts all together in the moon pool at Mako island, with our tales. Uncle Lewis, my aunt Cleo's husband took the photo for us. Im the second youngest of all my cousins, the youngest is my little sister. Almost everyone in our family has mermaid or merman kids, except for Bella, and Will. The mermaid/merman blood line didnt go to their kids. I think my mother might be ashamed of me for running away. But i dont regret it.

"Hailey!" Harry shouted.

"Sorry what?" i asked snapping out of my daze.

"Nothing, you just zoned out for a while."


Then Liam walked in.

"Showers free" he said.

"My turn" Harry said smiling. He grabbed some clothes and walked to the shower. Then Zayn left to go to his room.

"Hailey, do you still have your tail?" Liam whispered.


"Your powers?"

"No... i dont" i said, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Oh Hailey" he said pulling me into a hug.

"Im so sorry, im here for you" he said pulling me into a hug. I cried onto his shoulder.

"What if im never a mermaid again?" i cried.

"Dont worry Hailey, everything will..."

"Dont you dare tell me everything will be alright, thats what my mother told me before i left, after the accident, after everything!, nothing ever turns out alright" i cried.

"Just trust me alright.." We pulled away from the hug and he kissed the top of my forehead. He had his hand around my waist. and held me close, as if we were hugging.

"Ready to go into town...." Harry asked as he walked into the room. When he saw me and Liam together he froze. I could see a pang of jellosy in his eyes.

"Yeah, im ready, let me just go grab my bag" I said walking to my room. I grabbed my small purse that slings over my shoulder. When i walked out, i only saw Liam.

"Where's Harry?" i asked.

"In the car, after you left i thought he was going to kill me for touching you" he laughed.

"Oh, well i better go then before he leaves with out me" i joked.

"Bye Liam, your in charge" i said walking out the door. I walked out to my truck and got in the passenger seat. Harry must of taken the keys off the rack.

"Wheres town?" he asked, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the steering wheel.

"Just go down the dirt road, its about 25 miles away" i said. Then he began to drive. He wouldnt speack a word to me, he just kept his eyes on the road.

"Whats wrong Harry?" i asked.

"Nothing" he muttered.

"Come on Harry, its obviously somthing"


"IS the famous Harry Styles jellous?" i asked.

"no...." he muttered.

"Harry? are you?" i asked.

"Ok fine, i am" he said, his knuckles lossening their grip ever so slightly.

"Why are you jellous, we arent even dating" i said.

"Well, about that....I was wondering if umm...well if..."

"Are you trying to as me out?" i asked.

"umm, yeah..." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, if you did ask me, i would say yes" i answered simply.

"Will you got out with me?" he asked.

"Yes" I said smiling. He set his hand on my thigh as we pulled into town.

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