The Secrect

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                                                      Hailey's POV

I lean over Harry with the rest of the boys behind me, lightly slapping him.

"Harry?!" I shout. I watch as he stirs from the ground. He opens his eyes and looks at me. After a single moment he quickly sits up and scoots away from me.

"Stay away from me!" He says frightened he sets his hands back behind him and starts to scoot but he pulls them back and cusses under his breath. I grab his hand and he flinches from my touch.

"You cut it on some" I ask. He has a guilty look on his face.

"Umm...." He mumbles. I look behind him and see a pile of broken glass and a picture frame. I picck it up and see it's a picture of me with my tail....oh wonder he is scared of me.

But the question I confess to the boys and pray they won't tell anyone....or do I take advantage of not being a mermaid and lie....

"You were looking at my photos?" I question he nods and eyes me up and down.

"I'm not a mermaid if that's what you're thinking." I tell him. He doesn't belive me...i can tell...

"There is this thing called photoshop, me and my family did it before we left..." I mumble.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes really, I would think you would be familar with the term photo shop, i've seen a bunch of Larry Stylinson" I say crossing my arms. Louis takes the photo.

"She's got a point there mate" Louis said exaiming the photo.

"Still...." Harry says under his breath.

"Do you want to throw me in the ocean or somthing to prove it?" I ask. He nods and I sigh.

"First we have to fix that cut of yours" I tell him and help him up. The rest of the boys walk back to the living room. I drag Harry into the near by bathroom and grab some bandages. I turn on the faucet and run his hand under the cold water.

"Shit thats cold!" He hisses.

"Your own fault for snooping through my stuff." I snap and turn off the water. I dab at the cut and his cusses again. I roll my eyes and bandage it up.

"I was curious!" He says and follows me out of the bathroom.

"Doesnt give you the right!"

"I don't need a damn right!"

"Screw you!" I shout and strom out of the bathroom and into the living room. I grab a towel off of the rack and slip off my shoes.

"Ok...lets get this over with" I mumble and open the door. All of the boys follow me out, Harry with his arms crossed. We walk to the docks and i lay my towel out.

"Ok..." I say to myself and I prepare myself for it. I walk to the edge of the dock and get ready. I run and take a leap of faith off of the dock. I feel like i'm flying then I splash. But I don't resurface.

Bubbles surround me and circle. I mentally cuss at myself and try ad think of a way out. But there isn't one. So I resurface...

They boys look at me with shock and horror....what have I done?

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