The Tenticle

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                                                                     Hailey's POV

I woke up to the sound of card board ripping. I looked at my window and saw the card board wash away. The tenticale began to creep in through the crack in the window. It came closer and closer until it grabbed onto my tail. I grabbed onto the post of my bed. It then traveled up my body immersing me in water. After i was completely immersed i stuck my hand through it and began to heat it up. It let me go and flead through the window. I than began to dry myself off. IT WORKED!!. I had my legs back! I couldn't go back out there tonight. I ran out of my room quickly not wanting to risk looking at the moon. When i stepped into the hallway i was met with a sleeping Harry.He looked so cute asleep with an empty beer bottle in his hand. I smiled and walked into the living room. The rest of the boys were asleep too. A clap of thunder rang thoughtout the living room. Ugh well i have to end this storm some time now don't i? Have all of my aunts powers is helpful with this. Being able to move water, evaporate it, and make it into jelly, So i opened a window and quickly stepped back. I stuck my arm out to the sky. I combined all my power and strength and focused it on the storm, how it felt, moved, the water with in it. I turned the water in the clouds to jelly and made them explode. I evaporated the excess water. And pushed the rest f the strom back to Australlia. I felt it being pushed back against me but i was stronger than my mother and her friends combined. I used my combined force and energy and pushed it HARD! To any normal person it would have simply looked as if i was punching the air with an open fist. After that i fell down. I was panting. I looked behind me. I saw Liam looking at me with concern.

"Liam i can explain......"

"YOu don't have to, your a mermaid aren't you?"

" did you know?"

"I met your mother, Rikki, in Austrilla surfing, along with her friends.....i won't hurt you or tell anyone promise just please,.....let me help you...."

I nodded he helped me up as i leaned onto him for support. I was weak from the tenticle and the stupid storm. He lead me to the couch and sat me down. I explained everything to him, my powers, my mother, and the stupid tenticale. I also told him about my mother and her friends, their stories. He liked them and said he wouldn't tell anybody my secrect, not even the boys. He told me how he met my mother.

He was out surfing in Austrialla, with Will my aunt Bella's husband. They're good friends. But suddenly a huge wave came crashing over them. Liam blacked out. He could only remember seeing a faint orange tail, he was dragged onto shore by my mom and Bella. They had there tails and explained it to them. They trusted him with the secrect because Will trusts him. I thought that was sweet of them.

We stayed up talking. I also told him about my mermaid sense, i can tell when other mermaids are in the water, (That's how i've avoided my mother for so many years), and i can sense when i storm is coming and when it will start. He thought that was cool.

We were laughing but then i remembered. I got up and grabbed a blanket. I walked into the hallway and saw Harry laying asleep in the the hallway i grabbed his empty beer bottle and set it aside. I then covered him up with the blanket. He shifted but then began to lightly snore. AWWWW that is so cute. I threw away his empty bottle and put another in the fridge for him, attaching a note. When i got back i grabbed some advil and water from the medicine cabinet knowing he'd have a hangover. I left them on the counter as well. When i walked back over to Liam i suddenly felt dizzy. I was about to collapsed when he caught me. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. He got me water with a straw, and covered me up with a blanket.

"Thanks Liam....."

"Shhh, you really maxed out your powers and you need the rest so go ahead sleep..." he said comfortingly. I nodded and drank the water. He took the glass and kissed the top of my head.

"Night Hailey...."

"Night Liam" i said smiling.    

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