Moon Struck

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                                             Harry's POV

We packed a weeks worth of clothes and just like that Liam flew us all to Austrailla. He said we had to find her by the end of the week. Of course we all followed him, because he knew exactally where to go.

"Lads, over here" Liam calls in a whisper. We all slowly tip toe onto the boat house on the Austrailian coast. Liam peers into the window as we walk over.

"Hailey!" Liam whisper shouts.

"Guys?" A small voice calls. It's her!

"She's tied to a chair with her hands behind her back, we can save her, Louis Zayn be look outs, if anyone walks over tell us and we'll get out of here, Niall Harry, help me get in and get her out" Liam instructs.

Me and Niall nod and follow Liam to the front door. He turns the door knob and suprisingly it opens. Odd, almost as if someone wanted us to find her...

"Liam i'm here!" Hailey calls. We run over to the back where sits a tied up and blindfolded Hailey.

"Thank god you're alright" Liam says untying her hands from behind her back. Me and Niall work on her feet then eventually take off her blindfold. She smiles at us with her hazel eyes.

"Thanks, now lets get out of....." She trails off and stares at somthing. We all look in the direction she's stareing and see a picture of the moon above a mountain type thing. It has wierd letters and symbols on the sides and on the very bottom it reads Mako Island

"Hailey?" Liam asks snapping his fingers. Hailey doesn't even blink.

"Smack her" I suggest. Liam and Niall shoot me daggers. Liam gulps and raises his hand. He moves to hit her but she catches his arm in the air centimeters before it hits her face.

She blinks a bit more and walks no skips out of the house. What just happened?

"Anyone wanna swim? I wanna swim!" Hailey says in a giggly school girl voice.

"Hailey are you mad?! You can't swim...."Louis whisper shouts.

"So I don't like these stupid toe thingys I want my tail" Hailey wines and crosses her arms.

"Now Hailey, when you we get home, you can swim" Liam says in a baby tone. Hailey claps her hands and giggles.

"Yay!! Now can we gome home now! I wanna swim" Hailey begs. Liam thinks for a minute.

"Yes, we can go home, come on, if your a good girl you can have your tail for a bit before we go" Liam says. Hailey smiles and nods happily. She walks with Niall and Zayn as they try to contain her. The rest of us stay a few steps back and talk.

"Liam, what's wrong with her?" Louis asks.

"She's moon struck, it must of been that picture she saw" Liam mumbles.

"Whats moon struck?" I ask.

"When mermaids look at the full moon they get in a ditsi daze, it only lasts until the sun rises, but this is different, its the middle of the afternoon...." Liam says.

"Do you think some one put a spell on the picture?" Louis asks. Liam nods.

"Until we can find a way to break the spell, we have to try and contain Hailey. Symptoms include a stron urge to become a mermaid, and her powers acting up, also a very persuasive manner, we can't give into her" Liam instructs. We nod and go to help Niall and Zayn as Hailey is chasing a butterfly

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