BBQ party

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                                                                        Hailey's POV

That was too close for comfort. Good thing i always keep spare towels around the house. When i used a hot mit to give Harry his, 'cold' beer which was also really wet he looked at me as if i was mental. I shook it off and walked out side with him and the rest of the boys, being sure to stay clear of the pool. I walked over to Harry who was working on the BBQ, he was wearing my apron kiss the cook I burst out into a fit of giggles. He had his curls pulled back with a bandana. The rest of the boys were in the pool swimming and stuff. I stayed back in the lounge chairs, FAR away from the pool. Zayn was in the pool, but was staying by the stairs drinking his beer, and in floaties, cute! I was just reading my magazine enjoying the sun when i felt a chill it started at my legs and went all the way up my spine. I shivered, i knew that chill, it met a storm was coming. I looked at the sky it would be here in 3 hours. I got up and went over to Harry.

"How long until their done?" i asked.

"About 2 minutes" he answered flipping them over. Great the party should be over before the storm, then i got the chill again. Now it said 2 hours, im not liking this. I walked inside and turned on the news, it said that a hurricane was heading straight for us. I loved Huricanes, swimming in them was lots of fun, but i can't because the boys were here. So i walked out side Harry was putting the BBQ on a huge plate. I grabbed the plate and brought it inside, the boys all looked at me as if i was the mental one, which i kinda am.

"There is a hurricane heading for us in about ( i got another chill ) 1 hour we need to prepare." i said walking to the closet, we would have to sleep in the living room while it happened. Or the boys would have to evacuate, i was going to make them evacuate, because what would management do to me if they drowned? Kill me thats what, so i walked to the closet and got blankets and such things, i walked into their rooms and saw they still haven't unpacked. They were just watching me.

"YOu boys are going to have to evacuate closer to inland, this beach house isn't safe for you boys" i answered grabbing my keys. I tossed them to Liam which he caught.

"What about you?" asked Niall.

"I'm staying here of course," i said as if it was obvious.

"How come you stay and we go? wouldn't it not be safe for you here too?" asked Harry supicious.

"True, but i never evacuate, ask the whole island i never do, me and this place have been here for ages it will take more then a little storm to get to us." i said patting the wall.

"Then why can't we stay?" asked Louis.

"Because, management would have my head that's why, now follow the road into town and go to the hospital, for one they will need you help after this, and that's the evacuation spot, it's the safeest, i'll see you when the storm is over, oh and Liam drive careful i love that truck" i said winking at him.

"Hailey, i really don't think it is a good idea for you to stay here, i mean if we have to leave...."

"Oh Liam, sweet Liam, i will be fine i have survived every storm that this place has thrown at me." i said patting his arm, bad idea it was soaking wet. I started counting out loud again and ran to the towel on the couch wiping my hand, That was close. I turned and saw Harry eyeing me supiciously.I gave a guiltish smile/shrug and walked back over to them. They didn't question it. The shrugged and gave me looks saying to come with them i lead them out the door, and Liam walked over to the truck, he tried putting the keys in the door, but it wouldn't open. Damn it i left my keys in the car, then i felt a shiver. It was here the storm, there was nothing i could do i ran inside for my life the boys followed as it began to rain, great!

"Sorry Liam, those must be my house keys, my car keys are stuck in the truck, and i can't open it so i guess you boys have to stay out here......" i said getting nervous. I walked over to the closet down the hall to the bedrooms. I grabbed blankets, along with cardboard and ducktape. LOuis walked over and turned on the T.V.

"experts aren't sure how this strom started or when it will end" then it just turned static. I started duck taping the windows. The strom started to pick up and i think i know why. It must be my mom and her friends. MY mom is Rikki and she's a mermaid, along with her friends, Cleo and Bella. My 'aunts'. My father is Zayn and he's kinda on the rudeish side. They all live in Austrilla along with my sister Grace who is 7, she's a mermaid too. Like my Aunt Cleo she can move water, but i'm like Bella and my mom i can evaporate water and make it jelly.. I left them and moved to Hawii. Anyway, there must be somthing wrong out at Mako that they've created a strom. I have to swim out there, and these boys are in the way of that.  After i finished ducktaping the windows i grabbed the blankets and stated to move the couch. Liam came over and helped me. Once it was moved along with the coffee table, i started laying out the blankets.

"What are you doing?" asked Niall.

"What does it look like i'm doing?" i asked then water got poured on my head. I wipped around and saw Harry hlding a glass above my head.

"You idoit!" i shouted and ran to my room i barely made it in before i turned into a mermaid. I was laying on my stomach with my tail over by the door. I used my tail and slamned the door. great.... I used my hand and started to dry my tail. Steam started coming off of it. After the steam cleared i was still in my tail. WHAT!!! I grabbed my phone from my bed and checked the date. Todays a full moon.... Great.

"Hailey, it's me Liam, are you ok?"

"Fine" i shouted squirming trying to get off the floor. Smacking the door in the process.

"I know harry can be stupid some times but he didn't mean anything...."

"Really Liam im ok just OW!" i shouted. I looked back at my tail and saw red blood coming out, i guess i cut my tail on somthing. I tried to move it, i ended up whimpering in pain. I tried again and screamed. I ended up using my hands to lift up my tail. It was difficult but i moved it a good 5 inches. Then i saw a quincyshell. Quincy shells are seashells that are a danger to mermaids, it makes it so your stuck with you tail until you become emersed in ocean water. I am screwed. Where did the quincy shell come from? But there is a ful moon tonight and im actually thankful for the tenticale coming out tonight. The tentical is a monster made out of water it comes for weak mermaids and turns them into water. As long as it gets me into the ocean i can fight it off and get my legs back! but thats not for 4 hours.

"Hailey are you ok? i heard you scream"

"Liam im fine really you boys have to sleep in the living room tonight ok!" I shouted.

"Ok....." he said i think he walked away. Great now i just have to wait.

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