sea spell

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                                                  Harry's POV

It's been a day since we found Hailey and out flight leaves tomorrow. She has been very difficult. A whiny 3 year old. She's asleep on the bed like a kitten. The rest of the boys went back to the boat house to find any clues to what happened to Hailey. Me, I'm stuck babysitting.

"I want my tail"

I look up and see Hailey is sitting up in bed, her blonde hair curly and cascading down her back. She is in one of my shirts, because she had no other pajamas.

"Well, I don't think now is a good time" I say easily. She goes deep in thought then looks at me with a very sexy smile.

"Maybe....we could both take a bath...." She suggests standing up and walking over to me. I bit my lip and tired to adjust my suddenly tight jeans.

"Hailey, don't start somthing you can't finish" I warn.

"Who says I wasn't gonna finish?" She says in a very very sexy voice. She walks over to me and I sit in the chair and she sits ontop of me and wraps her legs around me and begins to kiss me. Her lips feel absoutely perfect on mine.

My hands rubbed up and down her back, pushing her ever so slightly closer to me.

She pulls back and i use that opportunity to start nibbleing on her neck. I feel her hands run through my curls, lightly tugging on them.

"Can we go....take that....bath now?" She asks in short breaths.

I finish up lightly sucking on her neck and reply.

"We can do anything you want baby" I whisper. She giggles and quickly gets off of me. She runs into the suite's bathroom and I follow her.

When I walk in, she is almost completely undressed, except for her underwear. She has the water running and is pratically shaking with excitement.

She skin is pale and creamy looking, her blonde hair cascading down her back. She turns around and smiles a devilish smile at me. Her hand travels behind her back and unclips her bra, letting it fall to the floor. I try to look any where other then her chest, but i'm unsucessful.

She then slips off her unders and turns around, stepping into the water. After a few seconds she is surrounded by bubbles and pinks sparkely dust. Then she appears in an orange sea weed bra and her orange tail flicks slowly in the water.

"Well, are you coming in?" She asks. I nod quickly and take off my shirt and jeans. I step into the hot water and i feel my musles relax.

Hailey uses her arms and goes over to me. She smiles and starts running her hands through my curls.

"What do you want to do Harry?" She hisses in my ear. I feel her other hand wander down to my thighs, rubbing up and down. I moan slightly, her hands being so soft.

"What ever you want to do...." I mumble closing my eyes.

"Good" She whispers and then her lips crash onto mine. I'm unable to pull away from her lips as she pushes me down, down, down into the warm water. I start lossing breath and every time i try to pull away, she pulls me in.

I feel myself slowly loosing conciousness and close my eyes.


I feel someone pull me up out of the water and I flick back my soaking wet curls. Hailey is at the other side of the bath and has a pouty look on her face. Standing before us are the lads.

"Harry are you alright?" Louis asks helping me up and out and giving me a towel. I cough and nod.

"Yeah i'm fine....I don't know what got over me..." I mumble my head feeling fuzzy.

"It's her, being a mermaid she is enchanting and very persuassive...we have to be more careful" Liam says giving Haiely a look.

"I didn't mean to....he wouldn't let me have my tail" Haiely says stubbornly crossing her arms.

"And what did I say about your tail young lady?!" Liam says sternly.

Hailey sighs and says "That i couldn't have it until we got home....but I couldn't wait! The ocean is calling me..." She says smiling.

"I don't care, now you are grounded for the rest of the trip, you can't be alone...or with Harry anymore. Come on get out!" Liam orders pointing his finger to a towel.

"Fine..." She grumbles and makes a fist towards the water, steam filling the tub, and her bare naked legs replaced her tail. All the boys looked away as Liam handed her a towel and she wrapped it around her self.

"You boys are no fun" She grumbled pouting and stick out her bottom lip.

"I know sweetheart, now go get dressed alright?" Liam says with a sigh. She nods and picks somthing off the floor and walks out of the room.

"So umm Harry, what exactally happened here?" Niall asks looking at the floor. I roll my eyes and walk out of the bathroom.

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