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"Why draw me here, demon?" King Cyran uttered harshly.

"I mean you no harm my king. It is you who called, I simply answered" she said in a sultry tone. The Zelarian king vividly remembered the witch Mavynah, she was sentenced to serve out the remainder of her years in the Phrost for the practice of necromancy.

"I can give you what you so desperately desire, King Cyran, a son; or two" she continued. As the temptress spoke, visions filled his head of his children and grandchildren, a real legacy.

"After all you'd done for the humans, they turned on you. The seekers created you then brought you here with the promise of everything your heart desired, but they too turned on you. Your gods... where were they. Where are they now?" she taunted. Cyran had never known such heartache, everything he ever wanted was being dangled in front of him but just out of his reach as the witch ripped the image from his mind.

"What would you give to have that dream come true King Cyran? For centuries you've sacrificed your life and your happiness for that of the Overworld. Would they do the same for you?" the faceless woman asked, filling his head with visions of his family once again.

"What is it that you want woman, to be freed?" Cyran whispered. Struggling to hold on to what little hope he had left.

"Like you I only seek to save my people, to give them a place to call home. I too want a legacy for my future children to be proud of" she answered plainly.

"I will give you your child, you shall have many children but in return the Phrost shall no longer be a place of punishment. It will be ours to rule as Yshuuna's fourth kingdom, loyal to you my king" she whispered, while lightly caressing his jaw.

"Together we can give them all exactly what they deserve. I can give you what you deserve. You need only ask" she breathed. Cyran could feel her heat when she leaned in, leaving her lips inches away from his, but in the blink of an eye he was home in the castle with Celaena lying bare across his chest but Mavynah's voice echoed in his head.

"You need only ask. My king".

Days later, appearing to have fallen ill herself Celaena sent for a healer, overjoyed that her desperate cry for the kingdom's solace had been heard with news that she had become pregnant. The news brought joy to the entire Overworld, and the burden was lifted from the land and its citizens. The sickness that plagued the forest of the Woodlanders disappeared and everyone was blessed with more crops than they could bear. Cyran's lifeless state had been replaced by jubilation. A joy that filled every inch of him and radiated throughout the kingdom seemingly expanding with the queen's growing belly but the call from the western woods came much sooner than expected. Once again, Cyran was forced to neglect his guards and venture to the western woods. The king's only company was Nola, the warlock assigned to the crown who portaled them to the edge of the western forest where the witch waited expectantly at the border. Nola had deep brown skin with a teal-colored scales covering her arms and hands, pale colored eyes and a soft boyish figure, while gifted she was only chosen due to Nabeh's young age.

"The time has come, King Cyran. Have I not done what I promised? You have your heir and many more sons shall come" the woman called from within the darkness.

"Did you truly believe that I would pardon a demon? That I would have the wards released and allow you and the rest of the filth to pollute this kingdom once again" Cyran scoffed, refusing her.

"We made a deal King Cyran, a deal that cannot be broken. There will be consequences" she warned.

"You dare threaten me, witch!"

Princess of the Phrost (the miniseries): CreationWhere stories live. Discover now