Princess Safri Avazii

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The life of the Overworld as a whole seemed directly tied to the youngest prince. As Aymon grew, so did the strength of their land, the strength of the wards and the faith of the people, he was a manifestation of their hope. Prince Aymon could simply smile, and the sun would shine brighter. Unlike his elder brothers, Aymon was a tall, skinny child with soft delicate features like his mother Takiia. He had skin the color of rich new earth, a reddish tint to his thick coiled hair and eyes the color of the clear blue sky. Elee' en Arvandor. Though all rejoiced, the people, even his own parents worried, no one had possessed the eyes of the heavens since Cyran, the first dark king. Fortunately for them Prince Aymon was a happy, loving child who loved reading, training, and always wanted what was best for everyone.

In the Phrost however, Princess Safri grew into something no one in their kingdom had ever seen. She greatly favored her mother but had a warm cocoa skin tone, her white hair clung to her tiny shoulders and unlike her parents the little girl exuded light. King LuVon despite his only heir being a girl treated her no differently than had she been a boy. Safri trained in combat every day with boys, and LuVon was always present to ensure she received no special treatment. Safri took every beating in stride. She suffered every day in silence, pushed through blood, sweat and tears to be the best, to make her father proud but nothing she accomplished could ever change the fact that she was a girl. Not even when at just 10 she beat her instructor, bested all the other boys and began training with the guard. Safri after training and spending time with her father who tried to instill in her the importance of overthrowing the rest of the Overworld, often ran away to a small clearing she had found only a year ago. A clearing just outside of the wards.

Qudm' Ashe, the Ash Kingdom, Cyran had made in Zelaria's likeness after his banishment. He missed his wife, he missed the throne, but he loved his son more. Unlike Fwl'Qudm, there was no polished marble, no gold trim, no life; the Phrost was a deadland. Princess Safri found she could pass through the wards by accident while playing in Vayye Ashe', but she had never told anyone. Vayye Ashe' her people called Ash Valley, they said the smooth fine white powder covering the area was what was left after the final sealing, a collection of bone and ash. Before the Phrost was completely cut off from the rest of the Overworld. Safri enjoyed laying out in the sun, she ate fruits and berries she found and often played with a woodland girl named Gmel who kept her secret. Safri had never seen a Woodlander, their skin resembled the bark of the trees and her hair was comprised of thick, strong vines that she tied neatly atop her head.

"What are you doing this far out little girl!" Ryo yelled, scaring Safri one afternoon. At his father's request, Ryo was paying a brief visit to the woodland king Corthos and spotted the girls. Getting closer Ryo knew he'd never seen the girl before, that hair and those eyes wouldn't go unnoticed; those were the Gods eyes. Rushing toward her Ryo was more than intrigued when the girl sprinted away faster than he had expected then passed through the protection spells and wards into the Phrost.

Ryo was stunned, trying to wrap his head around what he had just witnessed. It shouldn't have been possible. Knowing no one would believe him and wanting to be sure he promptly met with King Corthos, talking himself up on a bit of an extended stay.

"My father's business has been concluded. My reasons for remaining are mine alone but you have my word that all of the laws of the Woodlands will be obeyed. Thank you for your hospitality" Ryo huffed when asked the reason for his extended stay. Ryo couldn't get the child out of his head, those eyes, so he returned to the spot he saw her last and waited but after the first two days Ryo began to question his own sanity. Just when he lost hope, after six days, the little girl once again passed through the wards as if they weren't there. Ryo learned that she played with the woodland princess nearly every day. When he could escape unnoticed, Ryo, with the help of his longtime fling, a warlock named Zwa, portaled to the girl's clearing. Perched in a tree he listened to them giggle and exchange stories of their homes when he realized who the white-haired little girl was. Princess Safri Avazii, only child of King LuVon and Queen Ratha.

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