Not Just Dreams

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 Safri shot up in pure disbelief at how quickly things had changed, she also noticed that the color from her palms were fading, and she was almost out of her mother's potion. She drank the last bit and pulled herself out of bed to ready herself to go car shopping with Mel and Ryna, a friend of Amelie's. Ryna was the opposite of Mel; she was soft spoken and quiet with long beautifully braided hair and caramel skin. The trio car shopped and got their supplies for school before heading back, worried about Safri's health after Ryna commented on the growing paleness of her skin. Back home after feigning a sickness, Safri locked herself in her room and fetched her mother's note with instructions on creating a summoning circle.

"Me' a' en' i Arvandor waana imya i' palurin ar anna a' amin i'er amin i' irma Nabeh Sorciere" she sloppily chanted. Pricking her finger and pressing it to the mirror, watching in amazement as the blood spread. The princess assumed she had done something wrong when there was nothing but darkness inside the circle.

"I am far from a patient man" a smooth baritone spoke from within the mirror.

"I am Princess Safri Avazii from The Phrost, I'm looking for Nabeh Sorciere." The cover was removed and Safri gasped at the sight of the incredibly handsome and very young man before her.

"The daughter of LuVon and Ratha traipsing the Lesserworld? How remarkably interesting" he smirked, making his blood red eyes flicker. Knowing he could be trusted she launched into her story then showed him the bottle her mother had given her.

"Starkville, Mississippi you say. Fascinating" he grinned like the Cheshire cat. Noting her appearance Nabeh agreed to come to her home and perform the spell as a one-time favor to his old friend Ratha putting Safri at ease. She managed to stay out of Amelie and Ryna's sight, thankful when Nabeh showed up a tad bit after midnight.

"I figured you wouldn't want me to use the front door" he nodded, stepping through the side door and into her room. Shedding his long-hooded cloak, she fully took him in; tailored dress pants, a deep red dress shirt with the top buttons opened, a black short waistcoat and dress shoes. Nabeh was beyond beautiful with his smooth perfect skin, his long slender frame made him seem frail to the naked eye, and his soot-colored dreads were dyed red at the tips to match his blood red stare. She had never seen anyone like him. Nabeh possessed an undeniable strength though he himself appeared delicate.

"Gorgeous aren't I" he smirked while mixing the various liquids into his vial.

"You knew my mother before I was born, yet you look no more than my age. How can that be?"

"My dear I'm well old enough to be your grandmother's father" he chuckled, handing her a cup of tea. Explaining how the spell worked a new question arose when he mentioned the mark at the nape of her neck.

"It's the Zelarian Crest; a mark of the royals and only comes along every 500 years. You are destined for great things Safri, those eyes and that mark is proof" he commented while checking the contents of his vile before instructing her to lie back.

"When you wake, I will have gone but drink the potion and call me when your mark returns" he added. With glowing fingertips, he immediately began chanting, starting at her feet slowly moving his hands upwards until he reached her head lightly covering her ears until she drifted off to sleep.


Safri found herself back at the cliff only this time a brown-haired boy waited for her. Calling out to him Safri was speechless when the child turned around revealing a pair of blue eyes, a blue clearer than any human's she had ever seen. They were his blue, their blue. A blue all its own. The boy didn't speak no matter how many questions she asked so she decided to do what she did best, paint. The child didn't interrupt, he only watched intensely for a while. Often giving her an innocent smile before he sat down to read. Safri was confused when she recognized the book as Oni's favorite. Safri smiled at the memories of the two reading it together when they were young, only this time Oni had been replaced by the boy. When their time together came to an end, Safri felt a sadness that she failed to put into words, she would have to leave him. As the sun began to rise on cue it happened, the warmth, the tightness in her chest, the snap of a twig. When she turned around the presence was gone, as was the boy at her side. Safri woke back in her bed and covered in sweat, after drinking the disgusting potion Nabeh left behind she stepped into the shower attempting to drown away the feelings left behind by this last dream. Although she saw no physical presence, she'd felt it, longed for it, it touched a place in her heart that she had never known existed. It was a love beyond what she felt for her mother and vastly different than she felt for Kwi. This love consumed.

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