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  For the next few hours Ryo watched as his youngest brother and his betrothed sat talking and reading, well Safri read to Aymon glad to have learned. Ryo did care for Safri in his own way, more he cared about the way she made him feel. Ryo recalled the time he actually spent with the princess of the Phrost and realized that what he was drawn to was her innocence. Safri allowed him to be the child he felt he was forced to neglect. With Safri, Ryo caught a glimpse of the childhood he never had. He'd even had thoughts of actually honoring his proposal when the time came but always talked himself out of it.

"Aymon, if you're a prince, I'm a princess, do you think one day we could... probably not" Safri shrugged.

"Why be a prince or princess at all. We could go to Lesserworld and live there forever" Aymon grinned. Feeling bold, Safri leaned in and kissed his cheek, angering Ryo who fought to keep his place. When the sun began setting Aymon gathered their things and said his goodbyes wanting to leave before his brother came but Safri knew; she had known the whole time. The second Aymon was out of both sight and ear shot Ryo stepped into view grabbing Safri's wrist aggressively.

"You dare cross me little girl? You'll never see him again" he snarled, pricking her finger and collecting a few drops of blood before letting her go home. Ryo also headed home on a mission to secure what would be his victory over the Phrost. Ryo felt he was the one who deserved to be praised, respected, and loved. Not Aymon. After meeting with Zwa, Ryo was curious as to why his father summoned him, but curiosity was replaced with alarm as he stepped into the king's suffocating study.

"I want the truth from your lips Ryo, this is your one and only chance to come clean if need be." King Mytho cautioned before disregarding Queen Takiia's warning.

"Did you broker a deal with LuVon to marry the princess of the Phrost?" King Mytho asked outright. Ryo appeared calm and unfazed but, on the inside, he was frantic so taking advantage of the silence the king continued.

"Is it true that the girl is not much older than Aymon! That she can pass freely through the wards and that instead of bringing this information to me, your fucking king, you used it to further your agenda!" Mytho pressured, watching his eldest son's every move.

"I know not of which you speak, your fucking highness" Ryo shrugged. Mytho briefly studied Ryo's face which was composed, his heart was steady, stare focused; Mytho believed him. On their next scheduled day after training Safri made her way to her favorite spot but when she tried to leave the wards pushed back leaving her baffled. Safri tried and tried but could no longer get through.

"I only took the sample of her blood to her confined to the Phrost until we wed." Ryo convincingly lied. The wards were so thin now that the two communicated often in the blank space, the rift between the overworld and the Seeker's Realm where they waited to be ushered into the Seeker's presence. The space was unmonitored unless an audience had been granted.

"As of now she can no longer bypass the warding" Ryo informed King LuVon. He called a meeting revealing that he had stopped entertaining the little girl months ago but left her a handmaiden's child to play with.

"She and a servant girl had been playing on the castle grounds and Safri was discovered; I'm protecting her. My father knows" Ryo lied smoothly. Ryo left the Seekers Realm with a smile as now not only was Safri out of his parents clutches she was away from Aymon. Aymon would not move in and steal his glory once again. From the day Aymon was born Ryo's name was no longer on the Overworld's lips. When he combined the kingdoms, wiped out all creatures of the Phrost and sealed the doorway to the Lesserworld it would be once again. Good or Bad. Ryo was pleased with himself as his will would be done for centuries to come. He would be king.

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