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  Aymon removed his socks and shoes, moving swiftly and silently throughout every room and closet, once secured he headed to his bedroom where the stench was the strongest. He took a second look around since the demon lingered there spotting a hairbrush. Aymon was positive he'd never seen the brush before, picking it up and holding it at eye level. There was charred residue on the melted handle, the bristles had nearly disintegrated, and the putrid stench radiated from it. Acting quickly, he wrapped it in a plastic bag and called Nabeh whose phone went straight to voicemail as did Miya's leaving him not only worried now but intrigued. Miya's painting, her sharing his dream, Zelaria's restoration and Amelie's strange aura were not all a coincidence; neither was both Miya and Nabeh's sudden absence. Aymon knew the warlock knew something, he quite frankly seemed to know everything so Aymon decided to wait out the remainder of the day but if nothing changed go back to the hotel in Jackson, invitation or not. Who he really was had somehow been compromised and evil had found him.


"Where is Amelie?" Safri asked when she woke stretched across the couch Amelie had been on, still covered in the silver gunk. She also noticed that the decor of the warehouse had once again changed as well as its inhabitant, everything was a deep red with black accents to match Nabeh' now black hair and deep red eyes. Though she was loaded with questions Nabeh handed Safri her bag and showed her to a spare room to shower and change before indulging into what would surely be a long conversation. In the shower she scrubbed herself raw to rid herself of the dried chunks of vomit sticking to her skin and hair. She wished the water could wash away her anxiety and guilt.

Safri could feel Aymon's fear and confusion, a day and a half had passed, and he'd called multiple times. She gathered that just like she felt his internal struggles he felt hers as well. Waiting on the huge all glass table were multiple fruits and pastries as well as tea but a missed call from Ryna reignited her worry. She was glad that Nabeh had gone back to check on Ashley and Ryna as promised but hated that he'd wiped their memories. She knew it was for the best. They'd believe that she and Mel had gone backpacking in Europe during the break.

"Backpacking?" Safri chuckled. His choice wouldn't be a hard sell since it was something that Amelie really wanted to do one day; they also knew that Safri had the means to do it.

"She's in the lab with my consort Sebastian, I didn't catch it in time; she's dying" Nabeh sighed.

"I wasn't sure when I met her the first time but now, I'm positive she'd been taken to The White" he continued. According to their legends the world was separated into four different realms, The Spirit Realm was the home of the gods, the Overworld was the home of the supernatural creatures closest to the Gods along with those the Zelarian king deemed worthy from the Lesserworld.

The Lesserworld housed the humans and creatures native to darkness then lastly came Hell which was another world in itself. The White was a dimensional rift in between the Lesserworld and Hell where supernaturals that grew tired of the tedious task of pretending to be human went to shed their glamour and could be themselves without risking exposure which was forbidden.

"This isn't a place Amelie could have found on her own, she had to be taken there the first time, something took her there" he distinguished. Nabeh informed Safri that one of two creatures could have caused Mel's condition, a Selkie or a Vespertine. While a Vespertine was a commonly known creature, he explained that a Selkie was a water creature who spent their days as seals and their nights as humans. The majority of the population were men. They were said to be incredibly beautiful creatures, but it was very rare that they abducted humans and only if there was an intense attraction. In either case they first built a physical connection by biting the subject and injecting a serum into the bloodstream. If the person sought the creature out within 48 hours, he or she was taken to be mated or turned. If not, the serum would have passed, and the subject is fine, unless of course the creature sought them out.

"If it's a Vespertine bite she needs the blood of her sire, Amelie is already in transition. She has to turn, or she'll die" Nabeh said sadly. Safri sat crying silent tears but nodded for him to continue. The serum mimicked that of vampirism and Nabeh didn't know which was the cause but there was good news. A Selkie's bond could be broken.


Aymon found himself standing amongst the trees once again only his angel did not sing, and the calm was gone. The wind whipped past him wildly, the stars didn't shine as they normally did and instead of the Phrost girl from the painting it was Miya who stood on the edge of the cliff.

"Miya" he called out, stepping from the shadows, feeling his own glamour fall. Aymon smiled after revealing his true appearance but instead of turning around, Miya sprinted away.

"Wait!" he yelled, jolting out of his sleep. After composing himself the first thing Aymon did was check his phone finding no missed calls. He tried Nabeh first exhaling loudly when he answered right away, so he launched into his story and voiced his concerns. He knew his haunch about Mel, Nabeh and Miya had been right when the warlock instructed him to speak with Miya before coming to the hotel and to bring the brush in question. Immediately after hanging up with Nabeh before Aymon could call Miya his father's voice echoed through the apartment. He ran to the bathroom mirror where he found his mother and father waiting with both hopeful yet grave expressions.

"Has something happened father?" he panicked, bowing to show his respect.

"Nothing is wrong, but I must ask something of you my young son, something I know I have no right to ask since we'd agreed to allow you to find your own path. Please know that this decision was not an easy one" the Zelarian king sighed. Mytho paused a moment, staring intently into his son's face, trying to monitor his reactions but Aymon's face remained blank. On the inside however his heart was racing, it was happening; Nabeh's words were coming true. King Mytho was requesting that Aymon return home to assume the throne. Aymon's eyes grew wide, his insides were twisting themselves into knots, and when he opened his mouth, but the words caught in his throat. Seeing his shock, Mytho went to continue but Prince Aymon interrupted, forcing the words from his lips.

"Father Ryo has been training all his life in preparation for the throne and in the event that he couldn't, Kailu' is next in line! Hundreds of years would be wasted" Aymon breathed in utter disbelief at the request. The king expressed that Ryo was selfish and callous; that he'd rule with an iron fist and had neither compassion nor empathy for others.

"He holds his head much too high and a war with the Phrost would be inevitable." Mytho stated plainly. He had clearly rehearsed.

"What about Kailu?" Aymon protested as that was his favorite brother. Mytho sighed heavily but insisted that Kailu was feeble and would be too lax when it came to assuming authority of the entire kingdom. Mytho shook his head understanding his son's loyalty to his brothers as he watched the color drain from Aymon's face but needing him to see reason he allowed his queen to continue.

"Ryo would be oppressive whilst Kailu would be too lenient. They both lack the balance it takes to rule properly" Takiia reasoned. It was true, Aymon hadn't studied the histories as extensively as Ryo had or even Kailu' but according to his parents that is what made him the perfect king. Both the queen and king insisted that Aymon had not been corrupted by it.

"Those eyes give you power and respect Aymon, you are equally loved and feared throughout the land. When you were born those eyes gave our people the hope they needed to keep living, that is why it should and must be you" Queen Takiia concluded. Aymon was conflicted, his brothers would surely despise him, especially Ryo.

"You don't have to answer right away, I know that you'll do the right thing" King Mytho added before he and the queen vanished from sight. 

Princess of the Phrost (the miniseries): CreationWhere stories live. Discover now