Close Encounters

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Aymon ran as fast as he could without drawing attention to himself back to his car, feeling the anxiety build with every step. He could see the questions in her eyes, the surprise, the desire; he felt it too. It was her, Miya Stevens, the artist who shared in his pains, the girl who had haunted his every waking moment of the day but brought him peace throughout the night. When he'd arrived home, Aymon quickly cancelled his plans with his friends Derrick and Brian, needing time to sort himself out. Miya Stevens was just a human girl, but she had managed to capture every aspect of his dream minus the Phrost girl in the painting who did but didn't belong there. The detail was incredible, and the skin color was spot on, but the ears and the crest were native to his kingdom. Needing counsel, Aymon summoned his mother who was elated her son had found closure but was worried when she realized that he still had no clue who Safri was.

Nabeh kept Aymon's parents, well his mother, updated on Aymon's and Safri's pairing. Nabeh refused to remove the block on their minds and insisted on allowing the spirits to guide them. Nabeh swore to Takiia that when the time came Aymon and Safri would break the spell on their own. Though the time was near Takiia chose to honor Nabeh's request and neglect any knowledge of Safri.

"My son if this girl is the one for you then human or not there is nothing you nor I can do to change it. Embrace it, then conquer it like only you can" Queen Takiia advised. The conversation left her son less certain than he was before. Aymon was baffled at everything that had led up to this crossroad, every feeling, every night he spent watching the girl in his dream, Nabeh's words. What he felt finally putting a name and a face to the angel that had saved him from himself could never properly be put into words. Sitting at his desk Aymon lost himself in his work letting the melodic sound of Miya's voice carry him away. His fingers moved at an inhuman speed, using him as nothing more than a vessel and she his muse until he was released from the spell; proud even. The next week breezed by and after turning in his assignment, Aymon headed back to the art center wanting to lay his eyes on the painting; hoping he would catch a glimpse of Miya again. Aymon had been debating on whether to approach her, but he found the building empty. The young prince cursed loudly, turning to leave but his feet wouldn't have it, instead he headed down the hallway through a restricted door where the student studios were, hearing the siren's call once again. Just like in his dreams he obeyed the song's every command until he found himself at a private studio door, pushing it open with ease.

Miya Stevens, there she sat and here he stood drinking in every detail of his fantasy come to life. Messy bob, strong yet lithe frame, mile long legs and the voice of an angel. His angel. "Miya" he said aloud. Just like in his dream he'd startled her, and Miya cautiously turned her head but before her gaze reached the door, just like in her dream he was gone. Aymon was thankful that the building was empty, and he could run without suspicion of what he was, while Safri sat stunned that she'd missed him. She knew what she had heard, she could feel his presence though he was no longer there, she even ran out into the halls, but he was nowhere to be found. The sound of her phone snapped her out of the haze, it was Mel reminding Safri of their plans to go shopping in Jackson for the award ceremony she had to attend as "Artist of the Year", so she packed up and left, catching Aymon's scent as she did. Safri wanted to find him but deciding against it she headed home.

"Nabeh I really need your council" Aymon panted into the phone once he arrived home. At this point he was desperate for any form of advice and left immediately after receiving his invitation to the warlock's hotel. While approaching the marker for Starkville, Aymon braced himself for the onslaught of emotions that ravaged him and on cue his chest tightened but he maintained control and continued to Jackson, barging in without knocking.

"Beautiful isn't she" Nabeh said, after hanging up his phone and staring into the fireplace. "Who do you mean?" Aymon countered. He was hoping for a direct answer no matter how small to any one of the hundreds of questions he had but as usual the warlock was prepared.

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