Elee en Arvandor

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After LuVon rejected his proposal and had now declared war upon the entire Yshuuna, King Mytho Sharian along with his eldest son and the successor to the throne Ryo prepared themselves and what was left of their people. The wards and protection spells were faltering fast, and they had no way of knowing how long or soon they had until the threat was upon them. Many had traveled back to the Lesserworld, some stayed but took up residence in the kingdom of Drynah or migrated to the Friiylnds. Drynah, refused to aid them in their fight by simply choosing to stay out of it but the king and his eldest son did make a stop along the way home to Fwl'Qudm to see the commander of the Innominate Garrison; made up of Yshuuna's prisoners. The Innominates could swear loyal to no single kingdom, their loyalty was to the safety of Yshuuna, which the king explained to Commander Zizi Lee, first female Commander. Their lands were the first being affected.

"We're stretched thin here in the castles, the wall isn't properly manned, and the free cities require a constant presence" Commander Zizi argued but eventually agreed.

"When the time comes, I call back the Innominates as Yshuuna's first line of defense" the hilariously short but clearly fierce woman vowed.

Thanks to Elias, the first Queen Celaena's line thrived and remained on the Zelarian throne throughout the ages as Mytho's lineage could be traced back to hers. King Mytho was a short stocky man with a copper skin tone and intimidating aura. His face was chiseled to perfection, he had deep brown eyes with short dagger tipped ears and thick dark brown hair. Mytho was a king his people were proud of, said to be the first in a long time not to ignore the impending danger being brought upon their homeland. Unlike with previous rulers, Mytho held town meetings where he and his queen would listen to the suggestions and concerns of the citizens as well as personally inform them of major changes such as the combing of the Phrost. Mytho currently had two sons who were near replicas of himself though the second, Kailu' was tall like his mother.

Ryo was the eldest and unlike most children a loner since he refused to play with children he felt were inferior. Which was all of them. The whispers throughout the kingdom said he was curt, a tyrant and had no respect for the common people. That he carried himself like he was already the king. Ryo had spent his entire life beneath his father, studying the histories and training to one day take his father's place though they had vastly different views on what made a good king. Ryo felt his father was too lenient and gave the people too much power, he also protested the merging of the kingdoms and hated that he had been overruled by commoners.

Kailu was the youngest and was to one day act as Ryo's advisor and captain of his guard though Mytho and all who knew the pair well was sure that Ryo would never listen to his younger brother. Kailu was very wise when he needed to be but when he wasn't training, he spent the majority of his time bedding young maidens. He too studied the histories though not as extensively, Kailu's only interest was making sure it didn't repeat itself. With news of a coming war, he gathered his best, splitting them into teams and assigning them new recruits as a fight was inevitable and all who were able bodied were called to action. Drynah, whose army was called the dragon army due to their extraordinary fire wielding abilities, had continuously denied them aid but the Zelarian king sent a messenger to Qudm'Jsul once again. Yes, he was a proud man, but Mytho knew they had no chance without the dragon army. Not only did the Zelarian king stress that King LuVon would attack Drynah as well, Mytho offered to wed Ryo to the Drynian princess L'Nai the most gifted wielder in Yshuuna. Zelaria was dying, would die but they prepared to fight until their last breath elated when Corthos, the woodland king offered his aid.


After returning to his castle King LuVon sat upon his throne of skulls and bones seething. Unlike the Zelarian king he had no advisors, he asked no one's opinion and he confused true power with fear, his people loathed him. Soon after the news of a potential heir spread, their fear further fueled the darkness around them. Contrary to the rest of the Overworld's population the citizens of the Frost had pale colorless skin from never knowing sunlight. Their eyes lacked pigment unless the vessels were occupied by demons causing the eyes to be a dark amber. They were a sickly bunch feeding on dead roots or even sicker animals, some even took to drinking blood as food in the Phrost was scarce; what could be managed was given to the king and queen. King LuVon was a tall muscular man with sunken-in facial features. His short hair blended in with the night and he spoke with an eerie raspy growl. His now third wife Queen Ratha was a very short slender woman with skin like paper over glass. She had waist length dark hair and spoke so softly it was often hard to hear her. Ratha radiated while with child, so much so her skin appeared to glow. She was stronger and voiced her opinions louder to LuVon's dismay though he did attribute it to the child, stating that the young prince would be their ticket to victory.

On the night Queen Ratha went into labor a strange thing happened, the clouds clinging to the Zelarian sky slightly parted allowing slivers of light to pass through. Shock could be felt when the wards around the Phrost were nearly destroyed as the child's cry rang out into the never-ending night.

"Release my son, woman! You've served your purpose" LuVon rejoiced. He ripped the infant from the new mother's arms but only anger and disgust was felt when he looked upon the child's face. The little girl's cocoa skin was warm to the touch, her hair the color of the moon and set inside her tiny face were a pair of big blue eyes.

"Elee en' Arvandor" he frowned. Without a second glance, LuVon handed her back to her mother and left the room, slamming the door behind him.


The Zelarian people were thankful for the gift of the sun but weary of the threat beyond the very weak wards. The warlock council gathered the strongest of the lands and worked diligently to restore the warding, but the spell placed all those years by what was called the warlock of legend Nabeh Sorciere could not be duplicated. The most they could do was wrap their own around it in hopes to further slow it down.

"What is the meaning of this Omega, the sun returns yet the wards nearly fall. Is this the end?" King Mytho asked after he was once again granted an audience with the Seekers.

"Be patient young king, heaven awaits you" is all Alpha said once again.

"Now is the time to attack! Light shines again giving us a strength we've lacked for centuries, why wait for them to attack first" Ryo argued in a council with his father, brother and the advisors upon the king's return.

"Cut the shit Ryo! What battle have you fought brother? When the migrants from the Friiylnds came, when Drynah pushed onto our borders, you were safe within the castle walls." Kailu' scoffed at his older brother.

"I was on the field, on the frontlines, their blood will forever stain my hands. Stick to the training yard getting the upper hand on trainees because you've never seen real war. Real death" Kailu snapped. Adding that they'd be at a disadvantage because not only did they not know the lands they'd be practically blind.

"We are trying to avoid war, not cause it" Kailu expressed agreeing with his father and the council.

"King LuVon wants nothing but power."

"As do you since you're so eagerly willing to sacrifice innocent lives to get it, brother" Kailu spat. Calling a cease to all conversation King Mytho forbade Ryo from igniting war and instead opted to once again speak with King LuVon in hopes of some form of compromise though they had just met. When LuVon denied Mytho an additional audience the Zelarian army continued to prepare for war while the people rejoiced the birth of yet another son just under a year later; this one they named Aymon.

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