New Beginnings

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Safri could only stare, this was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen with vibrant brown skin and hazel eyes. Queen Takiia was a tall curvy woman, with an undeniable strength. Her short reddish-brown hair was wild and free framing her oval face and atop her head was a crown that reflected the sun.

"Am I not to know who you are?" Takiia asked again, sensing the little girl's fear.

"Is it a secret? I promise I can keep a secret" The queen whispered playfully. She was shocked when Oni stated that Ryo would be upset, and they wouldn't get to play anymore.

"Well, we'll be sure not to tell him then won't we. I do hope we meet again, little one. We shall have a little chat later Oni" Takiia smiled. As a gift, Takiia picked a white rose and put it in Safri's hair before waving them off.

Seeing that the sun had begun to set, the two girls raced through the tunnels at top speed to get back to the woodland portal, glad that they had indeed beat Ryo. Sweating and heaving for air, they stretched out and admired the sky.

"Everything is happy there, I wish I could live there" Safri sighed, hating that she had to leave when the time came. That evening as promised Takiia sat down with Oni, she was the only little girl amongst the servants' children and was often left out, plus Takiia had no daughters so she enjoyed her.

"I promise I will not be angry and that I will keep the secret safe, but you need to be honest with me Oni. Who is that little girl?" Takiia asked quietly.

"Princess Safri Avazii. Ryo takes me to play with her and Princess Gmel in the forest, but no one is supposed to know she can pass through the wards. He said if I be her friend then maybe when she becomes the queen, I can be her handmaiden, but I don't care about that she is my friend" Oni said innocently. She then went on to say that they had a play schedule and Zwa was the one who portaled them to and from the edge of the western forest. According to Oni, Safri was often bruised and sad. Oni confided in the queen about what she knew of Safri's home life, that she wished to live in the sun and never wanted to return home.

"Be sure to pick a flower for her every day." Takiia approved before sending Oni off to her mother. The Queen, while worried, decided not to tell her husband nor question Ryo but she did confide in her friend and personal advisor; the warlock Nabeh.

Nabeh Sorciere was said to be the oldest warlock alive. Nabeh was still the only offspring of the demon lord Mar'an, ruler of Hell's 6th realm. He was the only warlock said to have suffered the horrors of hell's nine realms and received his demon. Rumors said he was immortal. In her quarters Queen Takiia sat at her mirror speaking in hushed tones about the dark king's daughter loving the exceedingly rare occasions when she knew something before he did.

"So, it was her" Nabeh smiled, revealing he'd been tracking the power shift in the Overworld. The now incredibly old warlock expressed that the change did not start when Aymon was conceived like everyone believed. It was Safri.

"She's older than he by a year, the renewed life of the land didn't start at Aymon's conception, it started with her birth. They are destined for great things, your grace, marvelous things but she must remain innocent; she too must embrace the light her father is undoubtedly trying to smother out" Nabeh warned, assigning her a single task. Safri needed to see for herself that she wasn't a curse, she needed to be influenced, taught and above all else, she needed to be loved.

"They will save us," Nabeh said confidently. Wanting to handle her task delicately but under Ryo's nose Queen Takiia went with the most direct approach, recruiting Oni to bring Safri for tea the next time Ryo left them. She also promised not to tell Safri about their talk. Oni filled the queen in on their meeting schedule allowing Takiia to quietly make arrangements for the Phrost princess' visit, sure to do so around both Mytho and Ryo's comings and goings then waited excitedly. The girls would join her in her study so they wouldn't be disturbed, Takiia arranged for fruits and sweets giddy when Oni and Safri joined.

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