Of Age

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     With no particular place being the third son, Aymon was left to find his own way. After completing his courses at Yshuuna University whose grounds covered the majority of golden forest, where the white barked trees grew golden leaves. The sun-colored grass grew knee high in untouched areas and was said to possess healing properties; it was popular amongst those with child. Prince Aymon was the exact opposite of the rest of his family who were earth magic users, he was a dual master of the earth and flames. Aymon also lacked the stocky build of his father and brothers being smaller in stature and having a much leaner but athletic physique. Aymon's coarse, thick hair was the color of the earth with a slight reddish tint and with his soft facial features and smooth chocolate skin he was a splitting image of his mother Takiia. Being the youngest of three sons Prince Aymon had a quite easy life compared to his brothers whose lives were mapped out for them making them distant at first. Because of his appearance initially his siblings thought him a weakling but as he grew, he learned to use his attributes to his advantage. Because he was smaller, he was faster and much more flexible than they were which he demonstrated during their sparring sessions quickly surpassing them both. Aymon though loved and respected was universally feared. No one had possessed the eyes of the gods since the first dark king and his ability to influence the world around them made some a little weary, including his parents. Along with studying the history of his own people he nurtured his slight obsession with the Lesserworld. When he wasn't studying or training, Aymon still spent hours reading about the underlings, wanting to see it all for himself one day; elated that his parents would allow it. That joy was not shared amongst everyone.

"That is not fair!" Ryo shouted when his parents announced that they would allow Aymon to pass through realms. Ryo once wished to visit; he'd begged his parents on his 100th birthday for a single year to just be free. To be normal. Ryo was denied, forced into studies and scolded at the mere mention of him venturing outside of the realm. According to his father the Lesserworld was no place for the son of a king. He was rarely allotted enough free time to travel to Drynah on his own. The ride alone took nearly a month, and he couldn't ask Zwa to portal him because she would want to join him. Ryo was positive his Drynian fling Ia wouldn't approve. Zwa was already questioning how much longer she'd remain a secret, she questioned his arranged marriage to the drynian princess, hated his obsession with the Phrostling princess and had begun denying him access to her magic. Ryo was losing control of everything he believed he'd worked for and hated that his youngest brother was the one benefiting.

"Aymon is the youngest. He has no serious obligations here and he's too young to join the council right now. It's only right that we let him find his own way" Kailu' chimed in.

"Aymon always gets whatever he desires! He too is the son of a king is he not? His going off to the Lesserworld gallivanting like some commoner is completely unacceptable!" Ryo continued.

"Mind your goddamn tongue!" King Mytho shouted, slapping the table.

"Aymon is my son, MINE! It is I who governs these lands, one day all of Yshuuna will once again be ours to rule! You have a responsibility to not only these lands but the people who reside in it, focus on that" the king spat angrily before rising from his seat. His steps were cut short ash King Mytho spun around once more to address his eldest son.

"That was your very last time disrespecting you mother and my wife, the queen of the castle you so comfortably lay your arrogant head in every night. Part your lips to speak ill of her again and you'll find yourself king of the Innominates til winters end" Mytho warned before exiting the room.


Life for the Phrost princess was vastly different after having the same dream every night, absorbing the light and peace it provided, the love it provided. The young woman now exuded light and harbored no hatred for the people of Zelaria. Now 103 years old her adult features had settled and gone were her stumpy leaf shaped tips. Safri's now dagger tipped ears were traits of much older royal bloodlines and instead of the long milky curls her hair was cut into a boyish messy bob. She stopped wearing dresses decades ago, her clothing and armor were made to fit a prince though her feminine beauty refused to be stifled. Princess Safri's beauty was whispered throughout the Phrost but she was the embodiment of her people's fear, a bad omen. They called her "Tinu En 'Ksh" the daughter of evil. It made LuVon proud that as time passed people began to believe that Safri would be more ruthless than he was, though in his heart, LuVon knew better. Walking with her head held high and never cracking a smile the patrons fell to their knees at the very sight of their princess. Not their savior but their destruction. Safri was taught that power and strength came from the fear of others, but it always disturbed her. Unlike everyone else, Kwi, her handmaiden, always treated her with kindness and knew the truth of her pure heart. Every day when Safri woke from the scene on the cliff she noticed something different about it then shared it with Kwi.

"I don't see those eyes as good or evil. The color of King Cyran's eyes wouldn't change the hatred in Cyran's heart. His choices made him what he was, not those eyes" Kwi smiled wiping an escaped tear. Kwi was not born in the Phrost, she was a siren who had been banished for the death of a Drynian citizen. Safri never believed her capable of such things and believed Kwi when she expressed her innocence. Kwi however believed that once Safri ruled and the people followed her, believed in her, when they loved her, that the Phrost would cure itself.

"Why do you believe that? No one will ever love Tinu en' 'Ksh" Safri replied, hanging her head.

"It'll certainly do you well to meet the young prince Aymon during the Meeting of Kings" Kwi said. Standing to leave Safri's room after finishing her duties, Kwi decided to offer the confused young woman one more sign of hope.

"On occasion I happen to stumble upon your parents in the king's study. I hear Zelaria's third son, Prince Aymon, is also a bearer of God's eyes" and with that she was gone. Safri longed for the day she could see the sun again and living trees, which always reminded her of Gmel and Oni. Safri closed her eyes, willing herself to feel the wind in her hair but it would never happen, at least not until she herself reigned. Her first decree would be to free not only herself but her people from the darkness that they'd called home for far too long.

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