Meeting of Kings

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All in attendance were horrified when told what the king's absence meant.

"Nola is gone too; she's going to drop the wards" Celaena panicked. Deciding to keep it amongst the people present and not cause alarm, Queen Celaena took a handful of guards along with Nabeh racing into the west woods on foot, hoping to stop Cyran.

"She's doing it! My protection spells around it are slowing her down but eventually she'll get through" Nabeh called, feeling the change in the atmosphere as they ran. The second Nabeh believed he'd pinpointed the king's location; he conjured his own portal but in the midst of the chaos he'd missed his mark. Their escorts were left behind, but Nabeh and Celaena were met by the king's guard who refused to stand down, not even for their queen.

"Apologies, your grace but we were told no one; especially Nabeh" the captain called, refusing to let them pass.

"The wards are down, there's no time for this!" Nabeh called. Reaching into his satchel the warlock blew a grey powder into their faces causing them to faint. Taking their horses, the two sped through the forest feeling the growing darkness the closer they got as the thick black clouds rolled across the sky once again. Thunder clashed overhead, the animals wailed and screeched as the air became suffocating the closer they got to their destination.

"Cyran!" Celaena called, out of breath and in awe of the scene before her. The child's body was laid on a makeshift altar, Mavynah was calling to the spirits below and Nola stood clearly conflicted but not interfering.

"This is not the way! Stop this my love. Would you truly rather damn us all to darkness and death than give up your throne?" Celaena heaved, fighting to catch her breath.

"Everyone here is our children, we were chosen to look after and care for these lands, we were given a piece of heaven".

"This is our legacy. This would destroy not only that but everything we've built, everything our dear Seekers sacrificed for" Celaena pleaded with Cyran while Nabeh stood reasoning with Nola.

"You Fool! Look at her eyes that is not Mavynah! Nabeh snapped, snapping Nola out of her confused daze. "A demon wears her skin, and a demon will inhabit the body of that child. You've aided in the king's treason! You will be the cause of all misfortune to come, the council will strip you of your power if you aren't banished to the Phrost yourself if you don't help me now!" Nabeh warned the horrified woman.

"The time is here King Cyran, you must decide right now!" Mavynah shouted, holding a small dagger out to him.

"Cyran please. We have to let him go or Aymon died for nothing" Celaena begged. The queen began screaming when Cyran took the knife, dragging it across his palm letting his blood fall onto the symbol drawn on the child's chest. The markings around the altar began to glow, the screeching of the creatures below echoed in the darkness waiting to be released as the child took his first breath.

"This is all your fault!" Celaena screamed at Nola before slapping her across the face; effectively releasing her from her trance.

"Get your shit together and help him!" Celaena ordered Nola as Nabeh had already begun his chant. The moment was tense as both Nola and Nabeh worked together to create a strong enough barrier to contain the pit spewing evil and relief could be felt as Elias, who was the son of Celaena's sister came portaling into view. He'd brought along the three elders of the warlock council who also aided in the resealing of the Phrost.

"He lives. My love our son lives" Cyran triumphantly smiled holding the baby boy in his arms. When he tried to approach Celaena, Cyran was rebounded.

"I sincerely apologize, my queen, but neither of them may leave" Nabeh breathlessly informed Celaena.

"Cyran's blood gave that thing life, they are bound together so as long as that child lives, he too will remain trapped" Nabeh explained. Adding it was the only way he could ensure the spell would contain the boy. Cyran cursed them all as he screamed to be freed and though Celaena's heart ached she knew she had done the right thing.

"I am sorry my love, but you are no longer the ruler of these lands. You are no more a king than that thing is my son and as long as it lives you too will remain exiled to the Phrost. That is your new legacy" she ordered leaving with the others.

The kingdom was in a panic as the clouds clinging to the sky had yet to pass, despair could be felt, and the people demanded answers which Celaena as Queen Regent gave; she gave them the truth. Nola was banished to the Lesserworld for her actions, Nabeh who had exhausted himself in the warding of the Frost was assigned to the crown and a sliver of peace had been restored. Celaena who in her many lifetimes had grown tired of fighting, named her nephew Elias as the new king as thanks for his hand in the resealing of the Phrost and stepped down. She later chose to live out the remainder of her days in the Woodlands as an elemental.

There was no explanation as to why the sun continued to hide behind the clouds, farming became harder and as time passed many fled to either the kingdom of Drynah or the Lesserworld because as the population in the Frost grew, the wards were weakening. Slowly the evil and hate had begun eating away at the surrounding areas and though the wards held strong, they would not last forever. In an attempt to bring complete peace to the Overworld once again, the current Zelarian king Mytho had gone to the seekers. Mytho and his wife Takiia had discussed at length that over the centuries times had changed and that the younger generations as well as the ones to come did not deserve to be punished for their ancestors' mistakes. Agreeing, RaFea allowed King Mytho and the current king of the Phrost, LuVon to meet in the seekers realm to discuss a combining of the kingdoms. On the eve of Cyran's imprisonment.

The meeting of kings only took place once every 100 years, and as of late King LuVon had begun to outright refuse to relinquish his power insisting that Mytho succumbed to his rule instead.

"The point of this is to banish the darkness and evil once more, not unleash it. The Woodlanders would perish, and the rest of the Overworld-"

"You all are better suited to join us than we are to you, my people cannot survive your way of life" King LuVon spat.

"The people can. The creatures not of this world that roam your lands will either die or be banished back from which they came. A true ruler considers what's best for all" Mytho argued but LuVon again refused. The king of the Phrost also shared that he had nearly prepared his people for war, that before his time ended his kind would rule Yshuuna. The Phrost was an ashy dead land where the sun never shone, and the people unusual colorless skin; like ivory. The vegetation was scarce, the animals were thin and sickly and as the darkness began breaching the barrier, reaching out like claws it drained the life from everything in its path.

"Those protection spells are failing fast King Mytho, hand over your crown or die when I take it" LuVon smiled, returning to his home.

"The time is fast coming King Mytho, reconciliation is upon us; do not lose faith" RaFea encouraged, before bidding him farewell.

"Patience young king, Heaven awaits you" Alpha added.

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