Light Bringers

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The smile plastered on Safri's face turned into a soft smirk as the girls headed back to Safri and Mel's. It was definitely him. Aiden Thomas, her savior from darkness yet he thought of her as his light. They were long gone but she could still feel him everywhere, his hands on her waist, his scent filled her nostrils, and his heart hammering against her chest, but he was human. Wasn't he? Safri's smile faded as she thought that detail over, it nearly brought a tear to her eye. Not only was she damned to darkness for eternity, but the man she loved, and by some miracle loved her in return was a human. Safri internally cursed those who came before her, the very first dark king in particular, him more than her own father. She blamed him for the life both she and her people lived or tried to live. Cyran's selfishness all those centuries ago birthed an entire race of beings that were currently starving, impoverished and bereft. The Phrostlings were outcast amongst their own people, who only existed to serve and die. This dark revelation brought on a brand-new level of abhorrence for her ancestry, and Safri couldn't even begin to imagine how much more she would be punished for the sins of her ancestors. A shrill squeal rang out behind her seat, freeing Safri from the downward spiral that had become her thoughts. However, the gratitude was short-lived when Safri realized that the interruption was courtesy of Ashley who felt she had a bone to pick.

"My name ain't Brandy and yours ain't Monica, so why was you in Aiden's face all night?" Ashley lashed out at Safri.

"I told you the boy is mine what the fuck Fri. My hoes before bros"

"Unfortunately, you're the only whore here" Safri said nonchalantly, further angering the other girl.

"I thought we were cool Miya; friends don't do that to each other" Ashley continued, reeking despair.

"Amelie is my friend, Ryna's my friend, I barely tolerate you" Safri scoffed, refusing to further fuel her tantrum. For the rest of the ride Ryna, Mel and Safri gossiped about their night while Ashley sulked quietly in back. Minus the occasional annoyed sound effect.

"When are you going back to Jackson?" Mel asked, suddenly bringing Nabeh's request to the forefront of her mind. Safri began watching Amelie again, the strange aura was surrounding her once more and she was unusually giddy considering the time. Mel had never been a night person but tonight she was wired and excited that Safri was taking her to see Nabeh the day after since she had a date. Amelie insisted.

Glad to be free of the dress and shoes, once home, Safri laid across her bed with a smile while reflecting on the night. Sure, they barely talked but who needed words. Trailing her fingers across her bottom lip she sighed softly, fantasizing about the one thing that would have made the night absolutely perfect, a kiss. Safri fell into a deeper despair when the image crossed her mind, her perfect night ending in tragedy, in death. Her kiss could take away his life. A light brush of the lips wouldn't hurt but it would never be enough, and the thought of him lying lifeless in her arms was much too painful to bear. Little did Safri know the heartache was not all her own. Aymon also sat in the confines of his home wondering what it would feel like to press his lips to hers but mourning the likely consequence, her death. Opting to stay positive, he pushed the encounter with Ashley to the recesses of his mind and focused on his mother's words. He would embrace it, and he would conquer it. He sat a moment debating on whether or not to call his mother with an update when a voice he hadn't expected broke into his thoughts. Aymon was relieved from his slump when his father's voice rang out into the empty apartment. The king sequestered himself away after Aymon's departure and this was the first the young prince had seen or spoken to his father since he'd arrived. The abrupt appearance made Aymon uneasy. King Mytho informed his son that a messenger from the forest of the Woodlanders requested an audience just as he had gotten word that he had been summoned by the great spirit.

"The power has shifted my son. The darkness is receding, and the sun shines brighter than it has in centuries" Mytho carried on excitedly. Aymon was stunned at his father's news; this phenomenon had given the people hope, especially since the Meeting of Kings would soon be upon them.

"The land, it truly lives again" his father's words echoed in his head. The comment bought one of Nabeh's earlier predictions to the forefront of his mind. Together you two will bring light to the people once again the warlock prophesied. On this night he and Safri came together and on this night his home began to flourish once more, raising the question of just how much the warlock really knew about the two of them and leaving him anxious to find out.


Not much farther away Safri sat in front of her mirror having a much different conversation with her mother.

"The people are terrified. Spurs of light have begun seeping through the clouds" Queen Ratha whispered with a distraught expression. No matter how many times Safri pushed that the sun was not a danger, fear still ruled her mother, it ruled them all. Nabeh's words made her smile now that she understood what change their minds meant, it was the reason that she would leave the life she'd come to love behind and return to the Phrost. Telling the Phrostling population that they could survive the sun would never undo centuries of fear. She had to show them. After ending the conversation with her mother, Safri needed time to sort her thoughts. If her father hadn't known before that she'd gone, he'd certainly know now, and he would be furious. Unlike Aymon, Safri's thought pattern was a bit different, she pondered what could have happened that caused such a drastic change in the Phrost until a conversation she'd had with Kwi dawned on her. Kwi warned Safri from the time she was a little girl that the life of the land was tied directly to her own. Her misery gave strength to the darkness and now her happiness brought light, Aymon brought light. Safri woke happier than she'd ever been seeing the text confirming her date with Aymon that night but when she rushed to tell Mel, she was troubled when she found her still sleeping. Safri found Amelie in her room covered in what looked to be either a very serious heat rash or hives so she closed the curtains tightly and attempted to wake her, but Amelie only mumbled in her sleep. Now well past worried, Safri once again reached out to Nabeh when after just a few minutes the rash had completely cleared. While understanding Safri's worry for her friend, Nabeh insisted that she go on the date first. Yes, he needed Amelie to come to him in order to test his theories but the fate of the Overworld did and would always come first. Safri agreed but warned that she and Mel would be in Jackson at first light.

"Don't leave her alone tonight. Don't let her leave the house if you can help it but if you can't, do not follow her. Promise me Safri" Nabeh pleaded. The confused princess pushed back initially, feeling in her gut that Amelie was in some form of danger, especially after that warning but Nabeh didn't budge.

"This has to happen, Safri, you'll soon understand why. What is supposed to be, will be. Remember that your grace" he encouraged before ending the call. 

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