Date Night

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 Amelie woke near dusk excited to help Ryna get Safri ready for her date. Mel had nearly emptied both of their closets in an attempt to create the perfect outfit while they waited for Ryna to show for hair and makeup. Safri used the private moment to talk about the subtle changes she'd noticed in her friend since they'd returned from Jackson. Amelie confessed that she didn't feel like herself and hadn't since that night. All she could remember was walking through a hole in the wall, and a strange club where rainbow colored smoke blew through the vents.

"Something is wrong with me Miya I can feel it" Amelie huffed, lightly tugging at her wild curls.

"I'm jittery, I feel like I can hear everything everywhere and I can see farther than I've ever been able to see" she sniffed. Safri pulled out her phone prepared to cancel her date for real this time seeing that Mel needed Nabeh sooner rather than later, but in one swift motion Amelie had plucked it from her hands not willing to let her back out.

"Not tonight sis, I worked way too hard on that outfit" Amelie laughed. Ryna showed up right on time leaving Safri impressed with their work when they finished. And they did so in the nick of time. Aymon showed right at 8 but introductions were cut short. It was Mel who opened the door with her hand outstretched to greet the elusive Aiden Thomas but after taking it Aymon could only stare.

"Wrong date" Mel joked when he didn't release her hand. Aymon swiftly apologized after letting her go but his eyes followed Mel's every move until Ryna cleared her throat.

"Don't forget to stay out late and have fun" Ryna approved. Before leaving Ryna alone with Mel, Safri pulled her to the side and gave her a watered-down version of Nabeh's warning.

"Is she in danger? Should we all leave and go to the dorms?" Ryna panicked. She'd even considered calling the police, but Safri eased her mind, wanting to keep it contained. Needing to control the narrative, Safri suggested that Mel, who often had migraines, had begun experiencing severe panic attacks and black outs.

"I'm taking her to the doctor in the morning but until then she needs to be kept very calm and be closely monitored. If anything goes wrong or she insists on leaving, call me" Safri shrugged, attempting to downplay the severity of the situation. Of course, Ryna agreed to stay the night, offended even that Safri thought she'd decline. Safri had already devised a plan to not only keep Amelie calm but occupied for the night, but before she could fill Ryna in, they were interrupted by shouting in the foyer.

Aymon who patiently waited for "Miya" cursed under his breath when Ashley came charging into the house after seeing his car in the driveway. Both unwelcome and unannounced, Amelie promptly read her least favorite visitor down to the bone marrow, feeling the need to remind her that they weren't actually friends.

"We only put up with you because Ryna has to. I don't give damn if my door is wide open, you need to knock; and wait to be invited in" Amelie reiterated. She then insisted that Ashley go back and knock.

"Ryna!" Safri groaned loudly after hearing Mel's rant.

"Amelie and Ashley on the same planet, let alone in the same room, is the exact opposite of calm. Tonight, it's apocalyptic" she murmured. They rushed to the living room where Mel now calmly sat talking to "Aiden", while Ashley was back outside still knocking at the door. Ryna snickered but opened the door for Ashley while Safri apologized to Aymon for the long wait.

"You're in rare form tonight, Mel. Are the ancestors bleeding the bitch out of you already?" Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Did your pimp give you the night off or are you on break?" Mel asked sarcastically. After promising to send Ashley home, Ryna practically pushed Safri out of the door, begging her to try and enjoy her date.

Like a gentleman Aymon opened her door and once he joined her the two rode in an awkward yet comfortable silence.

"Your friend, Amelie, is she okay?" Aymon asked, turning to face Safri. The observation was concerning but Safri refused to ruin the date Nabeh had driven her to go through with. Safri hated that her first lesson in being queen was the hardest. Amelie was her best friend, her sister, but her people had to come first; the Overworld had to come first. Taking a page from Nabeh's very hefty playbook, Safri redirected.

"Is there a reason you believe she isn't?" she countered. Safri felt victorious when he dismissed the notion and instead began asking questions about her. They stopped at the park to pass time before their reservation since they'd missed the first one, talking about whatever they could think of. They kept the conversation light, music interest, books, school, both making a conscious decision to steer clear of personal questions since they didn't want to have to lie.

"So, how are you friends with Ashley?" he asked out of the blue, unclear on how the two would get along being that they were so different.

"Oh, I'm not, she just tags along because Ryna is her cousin" Safri shrugged. She went on to say that Ashley was a second-year student, but it was her first year at their school and she didn't know anyone.

"She clearly has no interest in finding her own circle of friends. What she does have is an unhealthy crush on you" Safri giggled watching him frown.

"You have to know that women everywhere are in love with you Aiden."

"I'm aware, but I've learned to ignore it since altering my appearance isn't an option" he shrugged, causing another fit of laughter to fill the air. The statement reminded her of Nabeh.

"You could turn down the charm" she shot back with a raised eyebrow. "Wouldn't help. They break into a sweat watching me walk down the street. Everyone but you" Aymon winked. Drops of rain lightly began to fall so they hurried back to the car to go to dinner. Safri tried to focus but she couldn't help but stare at the way the thick droplets clung to his hair and eyelashes while he took in the way her damp ringlets clung to the bare skin of her shoulders.

"See something you like?" he joked, snapping her out of her gaze. With the ice broken the pair made their way to the restaurant, playfully bantering the whole ride.

At dinner both parties hid their jealousy well. Safri wanted to slap their tawdry waitress, angered by the way the woman shamelessly threw herself at Aymon and he was very well aware of every set of eyes on his date that night.

"Your story, how did you come up with it?" Safri asked while they waited on their orders. Safri was patient, watching the wheels turn in his head before he countered, instead asking her how'd she come up with the painting. Safri sat with a triumphant smile after pointing out that she asked her question first, but Aymon was prepared for the push back.

"Your work came first; you were my inspiration. So, if we want to talk about origins, you would go first" he smiled brightly. The comeback earned yet another infectious giggle that in the short time they'd been together, he'd come to adore.

"A dream" Safri whispered softly, she almost seemed a bit embarrassed. Noticing the surprise on his face and fearing she'd said something wrong, Safri hastily tried to explain herself, but Aymon gently grasped her hands to ease her nerves.

"A dream. Your painting reminded me of a dream, it fit perfectly so I wrote it" he answered casually. To test his theory, Aymon added that he had had the same dream every night, relieved when she admitted the same.

"I've read studies on mutual dreaming, it's much more common than people realize. Especially if there is a strong psychic connection. If you believe in such things" Safri shrugged.

"Do you believe in such things?" Aymon asked in a hushed tone directly meeting her gaze. Blue me blue as he stretched his finger out to lightly caress her knuckles. The loud clatter of their meals being hastily thrown on the table.

"Ugh, humans" Safri believed she muttered under her breath, but he heard. She'd spoken as if she herself wasn't one. Aymon wanted to clarify but he'd wait, he wanted to be sure. 

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