Welcome To the Lesserworld

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Prince Aymon packed the last of his belongings preparing to leave his home and venture out into the Lesserworld. Queen Takiia stood silently in her young son's doorway cringing on the inside at the thought of him being in a completely different realm, but she respected his decision.

          "Do not withhold your feelings mother" he chuckled sensing her inner turmoil. According to books housed in Glla Libwru the indigenous were a hostile, combative species that would cause concern for any mother.

         "There is no peace amongst them, especially for those who look like us. Centuries later and we are still slain simply because of the color of our skin. Magic or not" Takiia sighed. Aymon knew both of his parents were afraid for him as they were when they granted passage to anyone, but Aymon was their son. Not just their son but the fate of the entire kingdom was directly tied to his existence.

          "It will not be forever. I will return in time for the Meeting of Kings and Ryo's crowning" he assured her. Pulling his mother in for a hug as his father and brothers filed in to say their goodbyes, well almost everyone said goodbye.

          "All I got was a bottle of faerie tears" Kailu laughed. He as always was supportive and bid his younger brother safe travels while Ryo stood silently in the corner barely acknowledging the fact that his youngest brother would be leaving them. It was his father's behavior however that Aymon found the most strange. Mytho was shielded, showing no particular emotion towards his son's departure though Aymon could feel everything he tried to hide. After kindly dismissing his mother and siblings Aymon took in his father's aura, he was troubled, and it was rooted much deeper than a trip to the Lesserworld.

          "I want you to seek out Nabeh once you arrive, he is already waiting for you to make contact. You are destined for greatness Aymon"

"What troubles you father?"

"Nothing to concern yourself with at the moment. Enjoy your time and remember that your mother won't take kindly to her first grandchild being a halfling" Mytho smiled, embracing his son one last time before his departure. Unlike the rift in the wards that once allowed Safri to travel to and from the Phrost, the doorway to the Lesserworld had to be summoned by the crown warlock.

"Naamarie" the family waved, bidding him farewell. This was it. Aymon could only nod in return while taking deep breaths to steady his frantically beating heart. Zwa after King Mytho's final approval portaled to the edge of the forest where the dark and light collided. The warlock stood with her eyes closed, fingertips glowing a sheer green with flecks of gold speaking the language of the demon lords. Aymon was as the gates to the Lesserworld rose from the warding's surface shimmering gold, the locking runes rose red but faded into a blinding white once released opening the heavy door; nothing but darkness awaited him.

"Farewell, my prince" Zwa nodded. Holding his breath, Aymon closed his eyes tightly before stepping through to the other side.

Aymon brought himself to a stop when his eyes slightly began to sting. The sun was harsher here, there was a bitterness to the air, the earth was like stone beneath his feet and adrenaline coursed through his veins at the thought of having true freedom. In this place he was not bound by the standards of being the son of a king. Aymon leisurely traveled a dirt road in disbelief that he'd finally made it. In this place he could create a life of his own, an identity of his own. Here he would not be forced into a preexisting box. He could tidy or not tidy his hair, bathe himself, dress himself, hell slouch. Absolutely free. Aymon walked with a pleased smile plastered across his face letting his thoughts run rampant until he came to the back of a large farm style house. A woman sat with a book in her lap completely unaware of his presence until a younger man joined her.

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