The Truth

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  Aymon sat in deep thought not just of his family and his home but of Miya, going home would mean leaving her behind. Going to call Nabeh once again Miya's painting which was displayed as his screensaver brought him back to the dream and Nabeh's request that he sees her before going to the hotel, so Aymon pulled himself together and called "Miya" once again. This time she too answered agreeing to meet him at the forest that afternoon, so he prepared for the truth to finally be revealed, prepared himself for her reaction, and prepared himself for the consequences once exposed. Nabeh had Mel brought upstairs and Safri bathed and dressed her, saddened by the sight of the two small puncture wounds on the back of her neck beneath her hairline. When either "mating" or "siring" a lesser, the fangs were inserted at the nape of the neck, piercing the internal jugular vein which was the main source of blood flow between the brain and the rest of the body. The puncture wounds also often went undiscovered in such a location.

Nabeh put her in the spare room next to the one Safri now occupied, leaving her to tame Mel's wild curls. Once finished Safri walked in on a telephone conversation instructing the person on the other end to come and join them at the hotel.

"How do we help Amelie?" Safri asked the moment Nabeh joined her at the table.

"Go home, pack enough clothes for an extended stay and come back tonight. I have a plan" he assured her, calmly sipping his tea. Safri turned to leave but had one last question burning a hole in the back of her brain.

"Who is Amelia?" Safri finally asked. Nabeh nearly dropped his cup.

"How did you learn of that name? Who dare speak it to you" he whispered, staring at her.

"You did. When you first saw Mel you called her Amelia, you've called her that multiple times since. Multiple times last night. Who was she?" Safri asked again. Safri approached him slowly, his eyes began to glow bright red, and he gripped the cup so hard it shattered in his hands.

"My dearest Amelia. She was a fourth realm warlock, I loved her once, but I loved power more at the time. I left her behind, failed her" Nabeh hung his head. Doppelgangers were extremely rare beings, a lesser born replica of a supernatural who's yet to pass on but should have.

"Amelie is a Doppelganger, Amelie's magic would have found her when she was of age. Don't blame yourself my soon to be queen, this path was meant for her" Nabeh offered the young princess, feeling the guilt surrounding her.

"Amelie may share her face but not her spirit, she's fighting the transition, holding on to her memories and who she was. Holding on to her humanity, which explained her stability, won't keep her alive for much longer. Go and do what needs to be done" he said practically pushing Safri out of the door.

On the ride home Aymon called once again and Safri agreed to meet him at the park reserve for a short hike. A part of her felt guilty for agreeing to it with her best friend's life hanging by a thread but an even bigger part felt like this is what she should be doing. She arrived first not bothering to go home and shortly after his car pulled next to hers. The two fought the urge to run into each other's arms but settled on a quick hug before he insisted on showing her his find. Aymon watched his date closely, noticing that she matched his pace and wasn't winded at all though she was distracted.

"Where are you from?" Aymon asked. As always, no matter what he asked about her life before Starkville, Miya was evasive or redirected the question back to him, forcing him to do the same.

"What song is that?" he questioned when they went off trail and she began to hum the tune from the dream.

"My mother hummed this song when I was young. I once believed it to be mindless humming, until I myself began the humming." Safri smiled peacefully before continuing.

"Something about the way the low notes string together and caresses the throat, the vibrations that radiate and numbs the senses. This particular tune brings me peace" she outright answered before resuming her song.

"This is beautiful, how did you find it?" Safri squealed excitedly rushing over to the edge of the small cliff when they broke through the trees. They sat with their feet dangling in silence and when she rested her head on his shoulder, Aymon again took advantage of her relaxed state.

"I found it while hiking with Derrick and Brian. This place reminds me of Fwl'Qudm"

"Me too. I've only dreamed of seeing such life; to lay eyes on such beauty once more" she smiled while taking pictures with her phone.

"So, you've been there?" he asked confusing her.

"Fwl'Qudm. You didn't ask what or where that was so that means you already know. The woman in your painting has a Zelarian crest at the nape of her neck" Aymon prodded. Safri pulled away and stood to leave but he quickly rose and caught her arm to stop her.

"Who are you really?" Aymon practically begged. When Safri tried to run he pulled her to his chest, trapping her in the circle of his arms. The electricity thrumming between them was massive, the love, the fear and uncertainty plagued them both as they lost themselves in each other's eyes. They were tightly pressed together everywhere with less than an inch between their mouths and the distance was closing quickly. With the pressure of a feather Aymon pressed his lips to hers quickly pulling away to assess her reaction. Once more he pressed his lips to hers, holding her firmly in place when she tried to deepen the kiss. Over and over again Aymon placed kisses as gentle as a summer breeze upon Safri's lips until she wiggled free and wrapped her arms around his neck, slipping her tongue into his mouth. The place where the Zelarian Crest rested burned pleasurably for them both as a volcano of emotion erupted. A wild wave of passion, burning with the heat of a thousand suns but everywhere they touched was cool. When the kiss finally broke, they stared at one another with a smile as everything Nabeh had taken from them as children was returned. Safri's memories of Takiia and Aymon filtered in her head leaving her breathless but a few in particular made her cringe; Ryo made her cringe.

"I can't believe it. Safri Avazii, Princess of the Phrost traipsing the Lesserworld" Aymon smiled pulling her closer to his chest.

"Aymon Sharian, Prince of Zelaria. You finally made it" she grinned back tightly embracing her long-lost friend. The two laughed a moment realizing that Nabeh had known the entire time, their parents had known; well not all of the parents.


Back in the Phrost, King LuVon rarely left his study, the sun was slowly breaking through the clouds. The citizens of Qudm'Ashe refused to leave their homes, the creatures of the night had scattered, and he was losing his power. The one thing the citizens of the Phrost feared more than their ruler was the rays of the sun.

"I need him dead Azrel! Neutralize my daughter if you must but kill the other bearer of Elee en Arvandor" LuVon ordered. 

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