Forget Me Not

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Nabeh explained to Takiia like Ratha that he could not remove nor hide the bond Aymon and Safri shared because it was far too strong so there would always be an attraction.

"They've entered the first stage of mating already, that attraction will build until they meet again, well, until the spell falls" he whispered before leaving them. Queen Takiia looked to the now brightly shining moon, felt life in the air, felt peace but at what cost. A seer foretold that Aymon and Safri would be the Overworld's salvation and Takiia swore she would ensure it came to pass. Even if she had to go against both her husband and son to do it.

"What have you done Takiia?" King Mytho asked the next morning after breakfast. Aymon skipped to the table with a smile greeting his parents and siblings before digging in.

"Are you okay Aymon?" the king asked. Aymon was completely fine recounting the previous week with ease leaving Ryo open mouthed.

"You left out one tiny detail my son. What about Safri?" Takiia probed. Her relief could be felt when Aymon questioned who she was.

"I've never met anyone with that name?" Aymon shrugged. Ryo let out a scream filled with rage, aiming his anger at his mother causing his father to intervene.

"Mother what have you done!" Ryo yelled but she said nothing. Kailu demanded to know what was going on as did King Mytho to which the queen who had had enough painfully obliged.

"I warned you not to question Ryo about Safri, not to alert him in any way but you didn't listen. You did not trust me and the second you opened your mouth Aymon fell into a depression that nearly cost us everything!" Takiia unloaded.

"Ryo, you were willing to sacrifice us to the Phrost to be king! I saved us, Nabeh saved us". The room was deadly silent, the air was suffocating, tensions were high, and truths were being revealed. Ryo was flabbergasted, Kailu was still at a loss, and Aymon had thankfully left the table without argument when asked. The king had never felt so low. After providing Kailu with just enough to catch up, King Mytho once again addressed his eldest son who still refused to acknowledge his wrong doings.

"You know what we must do," Queen Takiia loudly whispered to her mate.

"Still your tongue Takiia! We all know you love Aymon the most, now you want him on the throne. Am I not your son too?" Ryo asked, playing on his father's feelings.

"Both of you must cease this quarrel!" Mytho shouted attempting to mediate but neither was having it. Ryo was his firstborn, his first son, the first branch of his legacy on the Sharian family tree so Mytho had a soft spot for him.

"The man using a little girl, marrying a little girl, planning on killing a little girl along with her people for power. The man sacrificing not only his brother's happiness but the safety of everyone in the Overworld" Takiia paused. Rising from her seat she stood before Ryo with tears in her eyes as she hugged him to her chest before speaking again.

"I will always love you Ryo, but you are not and will never be my king. I'm sorry" she sniffled. It hurt her to say it aloud, more so that she'd done it publicly but she felt the line needed to be drawn. The statement quieted the entire room, staff included. His father and brother were left open-mouthed, the servants stopped in their tracks and all eyes bore into Ryo's skull awaiting his response but his mother didn't give him the chance.

"By the time you pull your head from the clouds and realize that this boy is a tyrant it will be too late to save him. If you love him, see him for what he truly is, then get him some help. Your Grace" the queen spat angrily at her husband before taking her leave.


The Phrost was successfully beaten back though the rage within its confines was stronger than LuVon had anticipated, and he knew it when he finally managed to push his daughter too far.

"Why do you hate me father! I do everything you ask of me, I'm the best this kingdom has to offer at practically everything, yet you berate and belittle me. Now you take away the one thing that means something to me! Why!" Safri asked furiously after again realizing she could no longer cross the wards. Safri had never been so enraged but hurt.

"I cannot lie child; you are everything I ever wanted... in a boy. I hate you for being a girl! A girl who will one day cast off the name Avazii and take that of my enemy!" King LuVon snapped back, adding that Ratha had not been able to bear him anymore children. Going on LuVon reminded his daughter that she would one day take Ryo as her husband secretly enjoying the feel of her rage saturating the room.

"You'll kill him on your wedding night and rule as Queen of the entire Overworld" the older man grinned.

"He barred you from entering Zelaria to protect you from the king and queen who wanted to kill you. You already have him wra-"

"I'm being sacrificed" Safri interrupted with tears in her eyes. While Ratha was relieved, King LuVon was outright furious after realizing that Safri truly had no memory of Aymon and the Queen who she held so dear. They were the source of Safri's despair, they fueled the Phrost. Safri was promptly sent away along with the guards leaving Ratha trembling with fear. LuVon knew she'd done something, Nabeh's presence could be felt the second he stepped foot into any room, in any realm. His aura even at his calmest was overbearing, his stare exposed you and tales of him were sang throughout the centuries. For King LuVon fear was all he could muster when thoughts of Nabeh filtered into his head. If Nabeh was involved than everything he feared would come to pass if he didn't act and soon. Today his daughter shed a tear, showed weakness for the first time in years; she was beaten. In order to ensure his legacy, to be sure that Safri walked the path he had chosen for her LuVon would push harder. Beaten wasn't enough because despite the fact that she was a girl, she was indeed his daughter. He needed her broken.

In the kingdom of Zelaria the lands continued to flourish. The sun shone brighter, peace was in the air, and the people were content with renewed hope that all would be restored once again. The Phrost began to wither with every passing day, with every failed attempt to reenter Zelaria, with every beating, Safri's heart hardened, draining what little life remained in the Phrost away until her 100th birthday. On the eve of Safri's 100th birthday a searing pain shot up her spine, stopping at the nape of her neck. Her eyes watered, her scream was caught in her throat and her mind seemed to go blank leaving her in an unfamiliar place. Or not. She stood on the edge of a cliff she recognized as the one she played near as a child; the one in Zelaria. On the cliff was an easel and paints, the scene before her was beautifully silent, the air around her a comforting peace so she sat. In this quiet space her heart was open, there was love here a love so familiar, so strong, so bright she couldn't resist it. So, she painted.

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