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''Y/N wait up''
i turn around to see a black haired male with bleached ends, running towards me.
''oh meguru''
i took one of my earpods out, and gave them to my friend, currently playing 'super shy by new jeans'
me and meguru have been friends since i remember, my mom and his mom were best friends, and gave birth on almost the same day. i'm 3 days older than him, but me and meguru, were more like siblings than friends, we grew up together, and we celebrated our birthdays together. My mom died after meguru turned 9. My dad works in canada, but i see him every summer. i have an appartment here in tokyo, but most of the week days i stayed over at his or he stayed over at mine, until i turned 15.

''you studied for the upcoming test today?'' Meguru asked knowing fully well i never study.

i stared at him, with one eyebrow up, hoping that answered his question. he sighed, and just continued walking kicking a rock that was laying on the ground with his foot.

'' that reminds me, how's football going?'' i asked

''It's okay, I recently found this guy who's insane but he dosent want to join the football team for some reason, other than that we got extra training because of our upcoming match''

''hm sounds like too much of a bother''
"Everything is too much of a bother for you y/n you literally do nothing than sleep all day and play on that computer of yours"
''You know I hate being physically active, thinking abt football, sounds like too much work too"

''yeah thinking about strategies in games is alot better? atleast im not sitting on my ass all day being a no lifer''

'' OKAY MEGURU, no need to violate me like that, but now we're at it. ATLEAST I PULL MORE BITCHES''

''suck. my. dick.''

''but honestly, i wish the team took girls, or there were a girls team in our school. You're litearly better than half the guys on our team. You should try signing up for the managers position.''

i looked over at Meguru, who had his eyes focused on the ground. i used to play football alot, since i was a kid. But that was just a hobby, there's hundreds of other things I would have done if it wasn't for meguru. he was really hard working and still is, but it always struck him that I was slightly better than him without trying. After i turned 14, i stopped playing football, meguru was upset for a while since he didn't have anyone else to play with. Shortly after he joined the football team, and started taking it more serious, we became a bit more distant but I always supported him no matter what.

As we finally arrived at the school, meguru locked his bicycle at the lockers in front of the school, he has practise after school, so he rides his bike home when hes done with his practise, since he wont be walking with me. We entered the big building infront of us, and then replaced our shoes with indoor shoes.

''See you at lunch'' meguru said waving

i waved back, whilst parting ways, meguru and i are in different classes, but we still hangout in lunch breaks, and in our free periods. I entered my classroom, it was pretty quiet. I almost didn't notice anyone as I was walking over to my seat, however a white haired male caught my attention, I heard him curse under his breath which startled me abit.
"Morning" he replied, eyes glued into his screen, as I walked past him I took a quick glance of his screen, he was playing a mobile game.
I continued walking over to my seat, pulling out my phone, I opened the app 'TikTok' and proceeded on scrolling through the upcoming videos. About 10 minutes had passed, and there were still no student at sight. I had started to think that school was cancelled today.
"so how was your weekend"
"What" he said looking up confuesed
"How was your weekend" I look at him with my chin resting on my hand.
"It was okay"
"What about you?" He looks slightly up at me again, though he glued his eyes to the screen again.
"Mmh it was alright"
"Miko, goodmorning" I say looking up at the sudden loud noise, miko is my close friend in my class, I don't really hang out with her that much out of school, but she's really nice once you get to know her.
Miko pulled out a chair that was next to me. whilst taking her seat she whispered
'what were you two talking about'


Bell rings
The school day had finally come to an end, as meguru had already left for practise, I decided to go to the convenience store before heading home. I was debating whether or not if I should ask miko if she wanted to tag along, but I decided to go alone since it was just a quick stop. I was walking with my school bag, And EarPods in my ears ' currently listening to Cupid by fifty fifty'
Once I arrived at the store, I grabbed a basket,  and went straight over to the noodles section, until I bumped into someone, and we both landed on the floor in front of each other.
"god I am so sorry" I bowed down apologising, I heard a slight 'tch' form out of his lips.
I look up after adjusting my skirt, only to see a white haired tall male in front of me.
"Oh it's you" I said
He looked at me confused.
"oh. you're the girl from my class?" he said after a few seconds, it sounded more like a question though.
I nodded slightly while chuckling awkwardly.
I helped him, pick up the stuff that he dropped.
" are you okay??"
" you really are deaf aren't you?"
He was staring at me, waiting for me to repeat myself.
"I asked if you're okay" I said with a slight smile.
"Oh yeah"
i bow, one more time, apologising to him, then continued my shopping spree while waving goodbye.


It's currently 7:40pm, and I was standing outside megurus house with a bag full of snacks in my hand.
Knock knock
Meguru opened the door sligthly at first, and then completely wide when he saw that it was me. It's him again.
"Why do we keep meeting everywhere" I said as I let myself in.
meguru looked at me confuesed.
"What are you talking about y/n"
"The guy over there"
"I have a name you know" Nagi said
"Oh yeah my bad, y/n this is Nagi seishiro and Nagi this is l/n y/n"
"He's literally my classmate meguru, I just forgot his name.."
"What's he doing here anyways?" I said quickly changing the subject.
" so remember this morning when I told you that I found a guy that was good at football?"
"Well I'm trying to convince him to join the team."
"And how's that going" I asked
"He keeps rejecting me..."
" so you basically kidnapped him?" I asked him once again
looking back and forward between him and Nagi.
"Nagi cmon it's fun I promise you!"
"sounds like a hassle" Nagi says while continuing to slurp his noodles.
"So why are you here" meguru asked while taking a seat infront of Nagi on the kitchen table
"I wanted to watch the new part of aot with you, I even bought snacks" I said holding a bag up in the air.
"Nagi wanna join us?"
I look at Nagi in hope of he's going to decline the offer, don't get me wrong. nagi seems like a nice person. but i know im gonna cry watching aot, and i dont want someone i don't know to see me cry.
"I've already watched it but sure"
"Damn Nagi, didn't know u had taste like that" Bachira commented
I was staring at them both in frustration, while I turned on the stove, preparing to make noodles for me and meguru.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now