A whiskers away

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Its still dark outside, though the sun peeked through the clouds, and hardly anybody is out. it's friday morning, to be exact 6:44am. i was on my way to megurus house, school was cancelled today because they found rats in the building so they had to clear the place out. we're not completely sure when we get to come back, but they said they'll let us know. Meguru on the other hand didn't know I was coming, I just texted him before and he replied so I knew he was awake. I was gonna come over to discuss our birthday party, since it's soon and I was too excited. I was really sleep deprived since I was awake all day yesterday, and the whole night playing with Nagi, but it was totally worth it. I'm just gonna fix my sleeping schedule when we got school again, I just lowkey really hope that we get the whole next week off.

As I was about to knock on megurus door, the door suddenly opened. I looked up only to see emiko, she was running past me as she let out a slight 'hi' I just looked at her, and looked over at meguru who was just staring at me. I crossed my arms and waited for him to explain, he opened the door further and let me.
"What are you doing here this early" he asked
"What do you mean what am I doing here, why was emiko here?"
" she slept over" he said not making eye contact
"Uh huh slept over sure, and what happend then" I said with one eyebrow up
"Nothing y/n we were just watching movies then we fell asleep"
"Yeah of course that's what they all say, until she turns up the next day pregnant"
He looked at me dead silent, he didn't know if I was being sarcastic or not.
"So why are you here"
"can't I visit my babe now" I said with a fake sad face.
"Fineeee I just wanted to discuss more about our birthday" I walked over to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator in hope if there was any food in my liking. But there was nothing, I closed the refrigerator and walked up to meguru's room with him.

                                    ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

"I think that's all for now" I said
Me and meguru were sitting on his bed, I was fidgeting with a pencil, and had wrote down the stuff we talked about.
"So around 30 people? Next weekend, there'll be alcohol but they have to bring they're own, we have to set up the pool, and order a cake. We also agreed on doing the wall again right?" Every birthday we celebrated we had a wall, half pink and half blue, there was a table infront of us with the cake in the middle and the half of the table was decorated blue and the other half pink. We always took pictures with a Polaroid camera, we got 30 pictures in total that I hung up on my wall, and meguru had glued together in his book called 'memories' where he had put all his pictures in.
"Tradition y/n we can't just not do it this year. And you're ordering the decoration?"
"Yeah I got a few ideas from Pinterest, shit will be lit, we'll invite 15 people each, I'm gonna sent you a list later, you do the same"
Meguru nodded in agreement, I closed the book and threw it down on the floor, as I finally relaxed on his bed, pulling my phone out. It was 8:57am.
"Ah also, Nagi said he wanted to help us with the decoration, you got anyone in particular who can help too?" I asked, as I was laying with my face glued to the screen only a few centimetres away.
"Hmm if Nagi is helping, I guess reo would too, but I wanted to ask emiko"
"The more the merrier" I said as I turned off my phone, and closed my eyes. I could hear meguru on the phone talking to someone as I was dozing off. Probably emiko, I thought as I fell asleep.

                                      ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

"Anything else"
"No thank you" I said as I was packing all the groceries into my bag.
I put my headphones back on, as I was walking out of the store until I saw Nagi walk towards me.
"Ah Nagi"
"What you doing here" I asked
"Going to buy snacks, what about you?"
"I bought food for the cat and me"
"I see, is she doing well?" He asked curiously
"Wanna see her" I said smiling
He nodded, and I followed him back into the store. It was starting to get dark, it was past 9pm.
"So what did you do today" Nagi asked as he looked over at me
"I went over to meguru's place 6 in the morning, and saw emiko walk out!"
"What, what was she doing there"
"He said that she slept over"
"I think they got something going on, they've been hanging out quite a lot lately" Nagi said
"He better tell me if something is going on"
"Anyways then we just talked about our birthday party for abit, and then I fell asleep til like 7pm and went home"
"He let you sleep at his place? If reo fell asleep at mine I would have kicked him out" he said deadpanned.
"That's not the same! Me and meguru has known eachother since like forever, he's my second half we've never gotten into arguments before. You and Reo on the other hand, are just close friends" I said still laughing from his comment
"What about you, what did you do today" I asked
"I continued playing after you left, til like 10am and then slept til 20 minutes ago"
"Waow you really do nothing else than sleep and play" I said as I sneakily put a drink into his cart.
"You're not much better either, you literally also slept all day" he said removing the drink
"Atleast I slept at megurus house! I socialised compared to SOMEONE else in here"
"Yeah yeah sure whatever you say cutie" he mumbled the last word which I couldn't hear because of the other customers in the store. We were ready to check out our stuff, and as the worker checked out my drink which Nagi didn't realise I had put in again he gave me a side glance and whispered 'you owe me'

                                  ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

I was preparing some snacks, I had opened a few bags of chips and stuff, i poured them into some bowls, and opened a bottle of soda pouring it into 2 cups. Nagi was sitting on the couch scrolling through Netflix, he was playing with the kitten that was sitting on his lap.
As I finally settled the last bowl on the table, I could finally relax next to him on the couch, I threw my self down, and relaxed my legs on the counter of the table.
"Whats her name? If you've decided yet" he said
"I really don't know, you got any ideas?"
He didn't answer, he was probably thinking.
"What about.."
"What about what" I said after he didn't finish his sentence
"Ooh That's a really good name"
I looked over at daisy, she had a white Little nose like the flower daisy.
"Hi daisy" I said as I took her away from him, I held her with both of my arms as I stretched out my arms into the air, and back close to my face a few times. Nagi continued looking for something to watch. I pulled out a blanket that was laying next to me, I was too lazy to get another one so we could just share this one.

Nagi's pov

After some time I finally found a movie to play
'a whiskers away'
"Omg I love this movie" y/n said smiling. Her smile always warmed my heart for some reason. I clicked on the movie and there was a 40 second intro before the movie actually would start. I looked down at daisy, she was snuggling around my fingers. Y/n was looking at daisy first and then me, as I could feel her stare, I couldn't help but return it. It was quiet, the screen was black and it was just a comfortable silence. Without noticing, I found my self moving closer to y/n.. my heart beating incredibly fast, nothing it's ever done before. As my hand was almost reaching her chin, and our lips cm's away from eachother. We both got startled by the sudden ringtone.
"Ah it's meguru" y/n said as she excused herself into another room.
'Nagi get yourself together, tf are you thinking' I thought out loud.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now