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Lunch break

''hi miko'' i said smiling
''hi'' she said as she was packing her stuff
''where you going'' i asked
''i was going to eat lunch with koromi from the other class''
''oh, what about the thing i had to tell you''
''dosent matter'' she said as she started walking out of the class, disappearing from my sight.

did i do something? miko seemed a bit off today for some reason, i brushed it off and looked around the classroom to see who was left.

''where you guys going for lunch'' i asked a group of people, that were packing they're things.

''i think we're going to get bagel''

''wanna join'' a brown haired girl asked

''mmh i'm too lazy to go outside, you guys go without me!''

''you're always lazy y/n''

''lifes a struggle fr'' i said smiling, i went over to grab my bag, i was gonna look for meguru.


''mmhh'' he hummed with his head down on the table.
''you sleeping?''
''i was trying to''
''what u doing for lunch''
''reo is in the field playing football, so i'm just gonna stay here''
''i think Meguru's there too'' i went around the table to grab my bag ''wanna go watch them''
''sure'' he said dragging himself up

''i'm sooooo tired'' i said, as we were walking down the hallway

''how much sleep did you get''

''uhh i slept at 12 and woke up at 7 so 7 hours, but i need 11 hours at least to be able to function''

''what about you''
''5 hours, i was gonna go home and sleep immediately after school, but forgot we had plans''

''it's better to get it finished today, cuz then we got a whole week where we're free''

''true'' he said, he was walking with his eyes glued down to his phone. playing a game, i was peeking at the game here and there, but i tried to keep watch infront of us so we didn't stumble into anything or anyone.

''ehh i died again'' he mumbled
''here let me try, what level are you'' i said, while he handed me his phone
''level 99, i'm stuck at this stupid domain''
''i'm 156'' i said smiling

''nobody asked''
''stop hating, js admit you're trash''

''done'' i said proudly
''what.'' he said as he took the phone, and looked at the screen in disbelief. ''whatever, tryhard''

''what?! how is that try harding i just helped you, and this is how you're thanking me waow'' i said as i clenched my shirt at my heart pretending to be hurt

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

''i can see them'' i said, we just arrived outside i pointed at the two males playing football, with some other ppl. we walked over to a spot where there was a small hill with grass, that was facing the field. i unpacked my lunch, and nagi just continued playing on his phone.

''are you considering joining the football clubteam?''

''dunno'' nagi said, i started filling my mouth with food, waiting for him to continue talking as it was looking like he was focusing on his game.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now